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"Bonkers" (1993)

  • 美國
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  • 家庭  動畫  喜劇


  • advertisement Limo: Right boss! Seymour: Let's sell this dump to some other dim bulb's! Police Chief Leonard Kanifky: This is a one way street! Fall-Apart Rabbit: I'm only going one way. Officer Miranda Wright: Great. First I lose the maid, then I lose my gun, and now I lose my partner! I should have stayed home and watched the soaps. Sergeant Francis Q. Grating: Stay cool... nobody panic... everything's going to be all right... EVACUATE! Fall-Apart Rabbit: Good morning, afternoon or evening, sir or madam. Can I interest you in a set of encyclopedias A-Z missing only B-Y, available at an introductory price of merely twice their actual value? Officer Bonkers D. Bobcat: I'm really sorry, Lucky. I kinda forgot that toon parachutes only open on impact. Detective Lucky Piquel: Forget it, Bonkers. It was fortunate I landed in that field of haystacks. Officer Bonkers D. Bobcat: Yeah, too bad you didn't land *on* one, though. Ouchie, huh? Mad Hatter: There you are! Where have you been? And how have you been? And *why* have you been? Officer Bonkers D. Bobcat: Do it for all the good times we've had together! Jitters: We've never had any good times. Officer Bonkers D. Bobcat: So... do it for all the good times we might have in the future. Jitters: If I do this, I might not *have* a future. Officer Bonkers D. Bobcat: Then you'll do it? Jitters: I will? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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