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"Parker Lewis Can't Lose" (1990)

  • 美國(guó)
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  • 喜劇


  • advertisement Parker Lewis: Gentlemen, synchronize Swatches! Parker Lewis: Who does this guy think he is... Ferris Bueller? Jerry Steiner: Sirs, I'm going for the salmon! Parker Lewis: Madonna? Face of a collie! But she's got... Audience: CONFIDENCE! [the Buds have been called into Musso's office for no apparent reason] Parker Lewis: Have we done anything in the last 48 hours? [Jerry lifts up a stack of prinouts, at least three-feet thick, and slams it on the table] Jerry Steiner: Nothing tracable. [repeated line] ParkerLloyd Lewis: Not a problem. Frank Lemmer: [dramatic voiceover] You listen. Listen to a public recital of the secret diary of Parker Lloyd Lewis, Kubiac's ceremony. Hahahahaha! Muahahahahahaha! Muahahahahahahahahaha! Jerry Steiner: "Lloyd"? Parker Lewis: Don't help, Jerry. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請(qǐng)手動(dòng)復(fù)制
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