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"Teen Titans" (2003)

  • 美國
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  • 動畫  動作  冒險
"Teen Titans"
  • 片       名"Teen Titan...
  • 上映時間2003年07月19日(美國)
  • 導       演 Michael Ch...Alex Soto


  • [Robin offers Starfire some cotton candy] Starfire: The last time I ate a ball of cotton, it was white. And it did not taste very good. Robin: This is different. [both eat some] Starfire: Mmm... It vanished! Robin: Yeah. It'll do that. Guy at Club: Hey, Hot Alien Babe, you digging the scene? Starfire: Oh I didn't know we were suppose to bring shovels... [Winning a carnival ring-toss game] Beast Boy: Told ya we'll win you a prize. Raven: A giant chicken. I must be the luckiest girl in the world. Starfire: I suggest a large pizza with pickles, bananas, and mint frosting. Robin: Uh, Starfire? Not everything on the menu is a pizza topping. Raven: [at a rave] This party is pointless. Goth Boy: Everything's pointless. Wanna talk about it? Raven: [warningly, in an icy monotone] They went into my room. No one should ever go into my room. Cyborg: We're in Raven's room. We should not be in Raven's room. Raven: [during a battle in the tower, she sees a bunch of robots come out of a room] That's my room! NOBODY GOES IN MY ROOM! Terra: [after helping Slade apparently kill the Titans and take over the city] My name is Terra. I have done horrible things. And I have absolutely no regrets. Beast Boy: [about a mad-scientist's army of oversized maggots] You know, now that nobody's making 'em all mutate-y, these little guys might actually make good pets. Raven: Don't even think about it. Raven: I don't do fear. Beast Boy: You think your alone, Raven, but you're not. Control Freak: [after all his gadgets fail to stop the Titans East] Those would have worked on the real Titans. Your powers are just... stupid. I don't want to play any more! [teleports away] Speedy: Did the bad guy just zap himself out of the fight? Raven: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • That would have been more profound without the hat. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Beast Boy: I'm sorry... he broke your heart. Cyborg: So, Raven has the gem? Robin: No, Raven is the gem. Slade: The first task is complete... master. The message has been sent. The inscriptions are in place, she knows what she must do. The Prophecy will be fulfilled. Trigon: Then the world of mortals shall be ended. Slade: [rising out of the stone from underground] The day has begun. [repeated line] Robin: Titans *go*! Headmistress: I am deeply sorry. Once the agents have been retrieved from the authorities, they will be severely punished. Slade: No need. They were messengers, and my message got across loud and clear. [then Slade pushes a button that has images of Robin popping up on the TV] Robin: [on the TV] Who is Slade? Gizmo: Who's side are you on, barf-brain? Red X: Mine. [blows up Gizmo's vehicle] Gizmo: Cr-uuu-d! Beast Boy: Terra? Terra: Sorry, you've got the wrong girl. Beast Boy: [last of the series] Beast Boy to Robin... I'm on my way... Dr. Light: No one defeats Dr. Light! No one! Raven: [Appears behind Dr. Light] Remember me? Dr. Light: [looking mortified] I'd like to go to jail now, please. Katarou: You think you can stop me? Robin: I know I can! Brother Blood: School is now in session and here's the first lesson: NO ONE DEFIES BROTHER BLOOD! Slade: Take my word for it, Robin, you shouldn't play with fire. Aqualad: Fish tacos? What were you thinking? I'm from the ocean! These were probably friends of mine! Speedy: You said get lunch and I got lunch. Chow down! Starfire: [after Cyborg has left the team] Eat. It will ease your troubled mind. Raven: My mind is never troubled. People come, people go. It's pointless to be upset about Cyborg. [powers flare up and destroy several computer screens] Raven: What? Raven: [after she and Starfire have switched bodies] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Starfire! You have to calm down. My powers are driven by emotion. The more you feel, the more energy you unleash. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Starfire: I will try to calm down. [takes a few deep breaths and closes her eyes] Starfire: Peace... quiet... tranquil... [her powers cause a car to flip over and blow sky high] Raven: We are sooo doomed. Robin: [to Starfire] You're getting married? Starfire: Indeed, and I cannot wait to Tamaran. I have been having a bit of the sick-home feeling lately, and am eager to introduce my home planet to you, my friends. Robin: You're getting married? Raven: Yeah, anyone we know? Starfire: I have never met him. My betrothed has been chosen for me by the Grand Ruler of Tamaran. Robin: You're getting MARRIED? And to SOMEONE YOU'VE NEVER MET! Beast Boy: [while inside Raven's mind] I've had it with this Mystery-Girl-Routine! I wanna know exactly what we're talking about here. Raven: [as Trigon appears in a very frightening form] Let's just say I have issues with my father. Fang: [to Robin, who's dancing with Kitten under duress] Keep your hands off my girl. [attacks Robin] Starfire: [blasts Fang] Keep your legs off my boy! Brother Blood: [about Bumblebee] Another spy! Tell me, was anyone at my school actually there to LEARN? Starfire: [about Slade's invading army of robots] They are too numerous to fight. What shall we do? Robin: Fight anyway. Terra: [to Raven, after an earthquake] Are you gonna give me that look every time there's an earthquake? Cyborg: [as the tower is under attack] Somebody wanna explain how 200 armed robots got past my security? Cyborg: [trying to convince Raven to come to the birthday party they're throwing for her] We've got a pinata shaped like Beast Boy. You know you wanna smack it. Cyborg: Star! Remember that purple wiggly Tamaranean pie thingie you made that was full of bugs? Starfire: My stewed grunthmek which made you physically sick? Cyborg: You gotta cook up some of that! Terra: You said you'd be my friend no matter what, remember? Beast Boy: Slade was right. You don't have any friends. Raven: [to BeastBoy] I respect that you don't eat meat... please respect that I don't eat fake meat. Beast Boy: Who wants tofu waffles? Cyborg: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Man, *no one* wants tofu waffles. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • [Starfire, Cyborg and Robin are sitting at a picnic table] Starfire: This tangy yellow beverage is truly delightful. Cyborg: Uh, Starfire? Robin: That's mustard. Starfire: Is there more? [Robin and Cyborg stare at her weirdly] [after Raven laughs and leaves the roof of Titan Tower] Starfire: Many of your Earth ways are still strange to me, but that was... just plain freaky, correct? [the Teen Titans arrive back at the Tower. Starfire bursts through the door, gleeful] Starfire: Come, Friends. I shall thank you all by reciting the Poem of Gratitude. All six thousand verses. [the Titans look shocked] Cyborg: Is there any meat in that tofu? Beast Boy: No, there's no meat in the tofu, it's TOFU. Beast Boy: Wakie, wakie, tofu eggs and bakie. Raven: I always thought you were funny, BB. But I guess looks aren't everything. Beast Boy: See? SHE thinks I'm funny. Raven: Statistically, someone has to. Starfire: I am happy to see her. But Blackfire rules the videogames and she is able to share very depressing poems AND she knows the cool moves and she always knows when people are NOT talking about shovels. Robin: ... [Starfire is teaching Raven how to fly, because they have switched bodies, and requires a happy thought] Starfire: Very, very good. What was your joyful thought? Raven: You don't want to know... Starfire: Oh, but I do... please tell me... what did you imagine? Raven: You not talking. Starfire: Oh... well then... I'm glad I can contribute... Cyborg: Have you ever seen her this happy? Beast Boy: Dude, I didn't think Raven could DO happy. [Beast Boy and Cyborg are fighting, trying to fnid the remote control] Cyborg: [shouting] Man, how am I supposed to watch TV without the remote? Raven: (angry) Simple... you just get up, and change the channel. [pause] Cyborg: Don't even joke like that. Raven: Ugggghh... I wasn't joking. Cyborg: Good. Cause it's not funny. [the Titans are deciding on pizza toppings] Cyborg: Come on, how can you deprive me of the all-meat experience? Beast Boy: Dude, I've BEEN most of those animals. Robin: Who is Slade? Jinx: Man, does that girl wear ANYTHING that isn't blue? Slade: Trust is something easily broken but difficult to build. Slade: Who knows... I could become like a father to you. Robin: I already have a father. [Bats fly off and Batman music plays] Blackfire: How do I look? Robin: ... pink. Robin: No one can could ever take your place. Goth dude: Soooo... you like show tunes? Beast Boy: No matter what I do, she STILL treats me like tofu eggs. Mumbo: Do I still have to go to jail? Starfire: You guys. I don't know what to do? I've tried every joke, and every bodily noise I can think of and Beast Boy still won't wake up. I'm afraid Beast Boy's brain is lost forever. Raven: Beast Boy had a brain? Beast Boy: [laughing] Good one... Hey wait a minute? Dude that's not funny. I totally have a brain. I just don't use it much. Beast Boy: Aquadude, what's up! Ready to watch me win all those prizes? Aqualad: No. But after I win, I promise to let you have my autograph. Speedy: May the best man win! Robin: I intend to. Slade: Too slow, Robin you always were. Robin: I knew you'd come back [shoots his grappling hook to the next tree and follows Slade to another tree] Slade: [Robin is breathing] Already out of breath? Don't tell me you've gotten soft. [Robin clinches his fists then Slade holds his hand] Slade: Save your energy your going to need it I merely released Cinderblock to get your attention and now that I have it... Robin: [pulls out his bo-staff] What you are planning? Slade: Seismic generators, Robin, three of them. Placed on fault lines all over the city and in three short hours it will break your city in two. Robin: Not if I break you first! Master of Games: I am invincible! Robin: How can you be invicible if you don't have the champion of champions? Starfire: [to Robin, who is on a self-deprecating rant] No more Robin yelling at Robin! Cyborg: [infected with a computer virus] I know what we should do! Let's go get some waffles! Raven you like waffles, don't you? < 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • b>Raven: [deadpan] More than life itself. Beast Boy: So, I guess it is bad to watch too much TV. Starfire: But, we were only victorious because you watches too much the television. Raven: So, I guess there really is no lesson. Cyborg: Yep, it was all completely meaningless. [everyone laughs] Cyborg: [about Gizmo] Hey! What's he doing here? He's no hero I thought this was suppose to be a tournament of... Gizmo: [Gizmo interrupts] What's the matter robo-whip? Afraid I'll kick your stinkin' can. Cyborg: [goes eye to eye] Just try it! Robin: [to Cinderblock] Drop it Cinderblock before we drop you. Slade: Hurry young titans you're running out of time. Robin: [the door explodes and Robin enters] Actually we just went into overtime. Starfire: I will not read your book of meanness and swirls. Starfire: ...boogers? Cyborg: You're the nasty egg people who stole all my waffles! Starfire: Are ALL the schools on your planet this horrible? [trying to be funny] Starfire: How many Oparans does it take to hogey a morflark? FIMBAR. Robin: You've got a problem, Tin Man? Cyborg: YEAH. It's four feet tall and smells like cheap hair gel. [repeated line] Raven: Azarath... Metrion... ZINTHOS. Beast Boy: ...kaaaay... do you come with subtitles? Gizmo: [going through Beast Boy's CDs] Crud... snot... MEGA crud... snot... crud... snot... Robin: Nightwing, huh? [about remote controls] Cyborg: Yeah... we have, like, nine. Robin: I've fought psychotic villains, robot commando, and giant, oozing monsters, but that is the scariest thing I have *ever* seen! Cyborg: Maybe he has an extra remote. I mean, we got like nine... [after winning an on-line video game] Atlas: Atlas wins again! Derek Wyatt of East-Gotham City... I dominate you. Control Freak: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • I am the masterof monsters. I am your worst nightmares come to life. I am... Control Freak! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • [Makes aplause sound with remote control and tvs] Raven: A couch-potato with a souped-up remote. I'm petrified. Control Freak: You will be. You will be. [It is dark and Beast Boy has turned into an octopus] Starfire: Eeek! Someones claws are on my grebnacks. [Two popping sounds] Beast Boy: Hehe... my bad Raven: I am afraid. But that dosen't mean I can't fight back. Kitten: Would it kill you to smile? Robin: [pained, scary smile] Maybe. Kitten: Hi, Robbiepoo! Starfire: Robin... who is this girl, and why is she calling you "poo"? Kitten: Let's dance! Robin: Tried it once. Didn't like it. Kitten: Okay... I could tell daddy to destroy the city, or we can dance. Unless you want to get straight to the kiiiiiiiissing... Robin: ...care to dance? Cyborg: Fuzzy dice? Now that's just tacky! Robin: All you care about is destruction! Slade: And all you care about, you destroy. Cyborg: That's it, y'all. The Teen Titans are officially probe-free. Beast Boy: [doing the robot] Go Beast Boy, you're probeless, no probes now, go Beast Boy, go Beast Boy... get funkkky! [moonwalks] Beast Boy: Uh uh that's right. Terra: They actually trust me. Mad Mod: Nothing teaches discipline better than a brain-erasing trance. Mad Mod: Next lesson, physics! What goes up... STAYS UP! Robin: Until I take it down! Cyborg: I will NOT be havin' attitude from a BOAT! Starfire: Hello, Starfire! Hello, tiny wooden replica of Starfire! Mumbo: It's only fair to warn you - I have no idea what I'm doing! Robin: [yawn] Cyborg? It's late. And I don't think we're supposed to be out of our... Cyborg: I can't sleep. I tried calling home to make sure Beast Boy's okay... but I can't get a signal through. Robin: We're in an alternate dimension... kinda outside your calling plan. I'm sure he's fine. The Master said all the losers were sent home... safe and sound. Cyborg: Yeah, I know. But I've just got a bad feeling... there's something weird about this game. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : I guess it couldn't hurt to have a look around... HOOOLD ON- I know what you're doing! Cyborg: [question mark] What am I doing? Robin: You're trying to trick me again, like you did in the card game. Cyborg: I am? Robin: Sure. [inside Robin's "Sherlock Holmes" thougt bubble] Robin: We'll go..."investigate" and be up ALL night and find nothing. Then you'll recharge your batteries in fifteen minutes while I get no sleep! Cyborg: Say WHAT? Robin: When round two starts, I'll be fighting fatigued, and you'll be that much closer to winning the prize. Cyborg: No man, for REAL! I'm just worried about BB, c'mon... winning ISN'T... Robin: [closing the door] Riiiiight. [shuts door] Cyborg: [muttering under his breath] Crazy, paranoid, hyper-competitive, spiky-haired little-... Raven: Don't make me send you to another dimension. Robin: You can't hold us here forever! Spike: Now, don't be a sore loser. Atlas is just better than you, better than all of us! Starfire: Your Atlas is nothing but a Zolworg Tubeck Plixing Zarbmarker! Beast Boy: Yeah! What she said! Spike: You watch your tone! Atlas is the greatest. He deserves your respect. Raven: Sooo, do we get bathroom breaks? [the Titans are treating Terra to lunch - Starfire holds up a plate of green gelatin containing what looks suspiciously like intestinal tract] Starfire: Might you wish to partake of my home-made glorg? [the other Titans mime "No! No!" at Terra, who wolfs it down in one bite] Terra: Tasted like... sushi mixed with ice-cream. Got any more? Starfire: I shall go cultivate the fungus! Beast Boy: I'm just... practicing my nose-whistling! [whistles] Mad Mod: 'Ello, my duckies! Mad Mod: My machines! That meddlin' little snot is gonna pay for... [he turns and sees Robin, who grabs him by the shirt] Mad Mod: Er... 'ello, Guv'nor! Terra: My name is Terra and I have done horrible things. I have sworn to serve a dark master. I have obeyed his every command and commited crimes in his name. I have betrayed and attacked everyone who used to be my friend. One-by-one I have destroyed the Teen Titans. And with no one left to stop me I have brought an entire city to its knees. My name is Terra. I have done horrible things... and I have absolutely no regrets. Beast Boy: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Her name was Terra. She was gifted with tremendous power, and cursed with it as well. She was a dangerous enemy, and a good friend. And she was one of the bravest people I have ever known. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • [the Titans carry a plaque and flowers to the stone statue that was once Terra] Raven: We'll be searching for a way to reverse the effect. Robin: We'll bring her back. Cyborg: Someday. [Starfire lays the flowers at the statue's feet] Starfire: I shall miss you, my friend. [Beast-Boy lays down the plaque. It reads "Terra: A Teen Titan. A True Friend."] Beast Boy: I'll never forget you, Terra. Starfire: You are a klorbag varblernelk! Raven: Please tell me this isn't another ridiculous prank. Beast Boy: Okay, it's not another ridiculous prank. It's a brilliant prank! [repeated line] Cyborg Decoy: Boo-yah! [Cyborg is trying to pass as a student at the H.I.V.E] Cyborg: Mmmm! Sloppy Joes! Just like the mad scientist who created me used to make! Raven: Um... I know this isn't my style, but we just kicked Slade's butt. Shouldn't we... celebrate or something? [Beast-Boy and Cyborg stare] Beast Boy: Yeah! Cyborg: All-you-can-eat... Beast Boy: Free form... Beast Boy, Cyborg: Breakfast explosion! Raven: Sorry I asked. [after Starfire returns from the future] Beast Boy: [in tears] You're telling me I'M going to be BALD? Starfire: Your Atlas is nothing but a Zolworg Tubeck Plixing Zarbmarker! Beast Boy: Yeah, what she said! Robin: What do you say we give him the sonic boom? Cyborg: I got the sonic if you got the boom! Cyborg: And the last slice of pizza goes to... [spins the slice] Cyborg: Terra! Robin: All right, Terra! Beast Boy: Whoo! Starfire: You are the winner! Raven: Um... way to go. Cyborg: Just a rookie and already you're an MVP and the winner of the coveted four cheese trophy! The world wants to know, how does it feel? Terra: Um, good, and kind of greasy. [about to watch a scary movie] Robin: Can't be any scarier than that documentary on hot-dogs Starfire made us watch. Starfire: It was fascinating! I had no idea Earth-people ate so many pigs... and insects! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • [Control Freak uses his remote to bring candy to life and attack Cyborg] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Candies: Eat him! Who's delicious now, big boy? Cyborg: Ow! Bad candy! Bad candy! All right! That's it! If y'all are bitin' Cyborg, then Cyborg's bitin' back! [eats some] Cyborg: Oh, yeah! Never knew evil tasted so good! [the candy runs away. Cyborg turns green and clutches his stomach] Cyborg: Oh boy. [Runs out] [Raven wakes up from a nightmare in her goth-style room] Raven: Maybe I should consider redecorating. Beast Boy: You guys... missed me? Cyborg: Sure! Who else is going to help me wax the T-Car? Robin: And spar with me in the gym? Starfire: And wolf down nauseating amounts of tofu while Raven and I watch? Raven: Uh... how about we just go out for pizza? Raven: The book of Azar is not a toy! Slade: Hello, Terra. Remember me? Beast Boy: This is the best pie in the history of pie. Starfire: [upon first meeting Terra] Curiosity abounds! Please, tell us where you are from, how you got here, what's your favorite color, and do you wish to be my friend? Terra: Uh, Earth, walked, red, and, sure. Starfire: [giving Terra a huge hug] Hello, new friend! [Beast Boy and Cyborg have just entered the 'happy' part of Raven's mind] Beast Boy: I think this is where airfreasheners come from. Beast Boy: [to the green Raven] What is with you? First you nuke breakfast, then you laugh at my jokes, then you're all weepy, now you're a Marine? Make up your mind! [shouts] Beast Boy: Who are you? Raven: [pink, gray and green Raven] I'm Raven. [Beast Boy has just caught Raven] Raven: You saved me? I thought you didn't like me. Beast Boy: Thought you didn't like me. Cyborg: Hey! I like both of you! Now let's get out of here! Raven: [smiling at Beast Boy and Cyborg] Thank you... friends. Beast Boy: So then, we really are friends? Raven: [nodding and blushing] Um-hmm. Beast Boy: And you really think I'm funny? Raven: Don't push it. Raven: So... do we get bathroom breaks? Cash: What's going on, Buddy? Cyborg: I want my car. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Sammy: Yeah, see, um... the thing is... we sort of lost it in a race. Cyborg: YOU LOST MY CAR? MY CAR LOST A RACE? Cash: No way, we beat him easily. She handled like a dream. Cyborg: She did? How'd you take the curve? Cause, you know, I've been working on the supsension part to d-d-d-d... Don't try to distract me. Beast Boy: Umm... watch out for falling dinosaurs? Slade: Will you destroy the Teen Titans? Terra: I thought you'd never ask. Beast Boy: Terra, Stop! We're your friends! Terra: I don't have any friends. Remember? [she punches him] Raven: Terra. Terra: Raven. Raven: Traitor. Terra: Witch. Cyborg: [about Terra] No more chances. Starfire: No more trust. Raven: No more mercy. Beast Boy: She's just another criminal. Robin: And we're gonna stop her. No matter WHAT it takes. Cyborg: [Cyborg and Beast Boy are playing racing car games] You wanna past me, but you can't pass me, you can't pass... YOU PASSED ME! Starfire: Raven? Raven, it is Starfire, your friend. Raven: No such thing. Starfire: Please, Raven I... Raven: Just another figment, don't even look. Starfire: You must listen. I am here because... Raven: Never coming back, go away! You have to go away. Just like before. Just like all the others. Starfire: Your mind, without friends you must've... Beast Boy: You talk to fish? Yeah, right. Aqualad: I'm talking to you, aren't I? Beast Boy: Well, I, uh, technically, I'm a squid Aqualad: It's called telepathy. Follow me. Beast Boy: [imitating Aqualad] It's called telepathy. Aqualad: I heard that. Beast Boy: Who is this guy? Cyborg: You're going to pay for that, you little grass stain! Beast Boy: I may not be smart enough to know everything, but I'm dumb enough to try anything. Raven: [after getting off of Beast Boy as a rhino] ... And now I smell like rhino butt. Raven: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • [to Beast Boy] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • We're having a moment here... don't ruin it. Raven: Having that thing inside doesn't make you an animal. Knowing when to let it out is what makes you a man. Beast Boy: Hmm, maybe you should call me Beast Man from now on. Raven: We're having a moment here, don't ruin it. [to her evil father, Trigon] Raven: [raising her voice] I was protected by the monks of Azarath, I was raised by my friends. *They* are my family. *This* is my home! [shouts] Raven: And you are not welcome here! Demon: You cannot hope to defeat pure evil. Slade: Actually, I'm not such a nice guy myself. Terra: Your not getting mad are you Raven? Beast Boy told me all about your temper tantrums. Raven: Anger is pointless, my emotions are under control. Terra: [mocking Raven] Nna! Nna! Nna! Anger is pointless, and your calling me a liar? Cyborg: So, we really are friends? Raven: Yes. Beast Boy: And you really think I'm funny? Raven: Don't push it. Robin: I've stopped you before! Slade: Robin, if you've "stopped" me, then why am I still here? Slade: I have to say Raven, when I found out the truth I was very impressed. All this time I had no idea of the power lurking inside you. The glorious destiny that awaits. It's always the quiet ones, isn't it? Beast Boy: [Beast Boy offers to rescue his team from a destructing underwater complex by turning into a whale and letting them ride in his mouth] [pointing to mouth] Beast Boy: Hello... Raven: I'd really rather just stay here and drown. Beast Boy: Now I know how George Washington felt when Napoleon beat him at Pearl Harbor. Slade: Only a minor set back. Nothing two old friends can't handle. Robin: I am not your friend. Raven: [after discovering the sole occupant of a flying saucer] So we're being invaded by cows? Raven: You may have created me. But you were *never* my father. [blasts Trigon] Trigon: Wretched - insignificant - [gets blasted again] Raven: Fathers are *kind*. Fathers *protect* you. Fathers *raise* you. I was protected by the monks of Azarath. I was raised by my friends. *They* are my family. *This* is my home. And you are not welcome here! Robin: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • I thought you didn't like playing the big hero. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Red X: That doesn't mean I don't know how. Cyborg: When I was at the H.I.V.E., for a time, I felt... normal. Starfire: Well, I did not know you before, so to me, you *are* normal. Robin: Slade. We're ready for you. Slade: Give me the girl! Robin: No way! Slade: You don't really have a choice. I'm taking her. Beast Boy: Oh, yeah? You and what army? [an army of fire creatures appear and then Beast Boy screams] Cyborg: You just had to ask, didn't you? Slade: [to Trigon] For the record, I'm nobody's servant! Trigon: The time has come. The prophecy shall be fulfilled. Tonight at dusk, when the planets align, the portal will be opened. Finally, I shall be free from this fiery prison and the Earth shall be mine. Cyborg: All right, y'all, four eyes is history, his ghoulies are gone, and we just saved the whole dang universe! Who wants French toast? Starfire: Oh, me, please. I shall consume them with gravy and the butter of peanuts. Starfire: Cyborg, you seem all lobstery. [everyone looks at her strangely] Raven: I think she means crabby. Starfire: [after getting their bodies back from being switched, to Raven] I am me! And you are you! Cyborg: [the rest of the Titans have their bodies back] And we're us! Robin: Thanks to you two. Beast Boy: You go girls! Starfire: We have done it! [jumps and embraces Raven] Raven: [horrified] Ummm... you're hugging me! Beast Boy: Ooh, squiggly lines. Way informative. Raven: Unbridled joy? Not really my thing. Val Yor: I was trying to pay her a compliment. Raven: Then why does it still sound like an insult? [while fighting Plasmus] Beast Boy: Only one thing worse than goo... Raven: [flying by] Sneeze goo. Beast Boy: Ewww... gross! Raven: The gem was born of evil's fire. / The gem shall be his portal. / He comes to claim. He comes to sire. / The end of all things mortal. [Robin just lost a fight] Beast Boy: Dude, you got your butt kicked. It happens. Raven: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Happens to some of us more than others. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Starfire: Raven, did you hear the strange noises too? Raven: The strange noises of you shouting outside my door? Kinda hard to miss. Raven: I'm still getting his drool off my face. I don't want him anywhere near my brain. Beast Boy: See, it all started back in 1492 with this tea party, in Boston. King George, or maybe it was King Norm-anyway... The British were trying to make the colonists drink all this tea. But they were like, "Dude! No way! We're sick of your nasty old tea and your crummy English muffins!" So they decided, "Revolution!" Raven: Where'd you learn you history? A cereal box? Beast Boy: What's your point? Raven: [sweat drops] Beast Boy: British engineering. Finest in the world. Raven: Can you please stop talking like that? Beast Boy: You're just jealous because I sound like a rock star. Cyborg: City Hall. We should be able to hide here. Til Mad Mod's tanks come to tear it down. Raven: Whoa. That was actually more depressing than what I was going to say. Raven: [just got a glimpse of Mad Mod's underwear] Okay... really not something I needed to see. Beast Boy: Dude, turtles know what's up. [ater Elastigirl of the Doom Patrol calls Beast Boy by his first name] Cyborg: ..."Garfield?" [Beast Boy gives embarrassed chuckle] Raven: [wicked grin] Oh, I'm gonna get a *lot* of mileage out of this one. [Control Freak is in a Teen Titans chatroom] Titans Fanboy #1: Robin and Starfire forever! Titans Fanboy #2: Starfire should be with BB. Titans Fangirl: No way! Red X: Kid, you take life way too seriously. Kid Flash: Hold on a second. If you guys are called the "H.I.V.E. Five," how come there's six of you? [awkward silence] See-More: [feebly] 'Cause it... sounds cooler... [Gizmo, Mammoth, and Kid Wykkyd have cornered Kid Flash in a dead-end corridor] Gizmo: End of the road, snothead! Kid Flash: You guys realize I can vibrate my molecules through solid matter, right? [he phases through the wall and reappears behind the villains] Kid Flash: Later, guys! [runs off] Starfire: Let us initiate a group hug! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Robin 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : Calling all Titans! Madame Rouge: Yes, Robin, do keep in touch. Beast Boy: Ex-Doom Patrol member Beast Boy, sir. How can I help? Wowzers! You're Robin, aren't you, sir? Robin: Well, you can start by not calling me sir. Robber: [bats come swarming out of the shadows] Who's there? I don't want any trouble. Robin: You should have thought about that before you committed the crime! Robber: Hey, this isn't your town. Aren't you suppose to be with... Robin: Just moved here and from now on I work alone! Beast Boy: [after being dropped on his head] Is it just me or are we getting our butts kicked? Robin, Raven: [in unison] It's just you. Robin: [Wondering what Slade's motives were for helping Trigon take over the world] So, why did you do it? For money? Status? Those dark powers? Slade: Not everything is so... cut-and-dry, Robin. Robin: Selling out our world for your own personal gain seems pretty cut-and-dry to me. Slade: With or without me, there was no stopping this. Robin: But you played a part; And just like everything else you've ever done, it's made people suffer. Slade: It's what I do best. Robin: [Wondering what Slade's motives were for helping Trigon take over the world] So, why did you do it? For money? Status? Those dark powers? Slade: Not everything is so...cut-and-dry, Robin. Robin: Selling out our world for your own personal gain seems pretty cut-and-dry to me. Slade: With or without me, there was no stopping this. Robin: But you played a part; And just like everything else you've ever done, it's made people suffer. Slade: It's what I do best. Pelican: Oh have you seen my hippo? He hides and I must seek. Starfire: I cannot play. Please, do you know a strange man named Control Freak? He is big, not tall and nasty and known for causing strife. He escaped into the TV. Beast Boy: Hey Star, run for your life! Starfire: Never have I been so thankful to have nine stomachs. Starfire: [while holding three strips of tofu bacon to her head] Observe. I am a Rorphian Zopgar. [she giggles] Starfire: [Cyborg and Beast Boy give her blank looks] Starfire: On my planet, this is hilarious. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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