

  • [entering a demonic TV station] Raphael 'Rafe' Cain: This place reeks of evil. Goodwin: Could be the plumbing. Raphael 'Rafe' Cain: Could be the stench of all those rotten television shows. Raphael 'Rafe' Cain: What's wrong with my hair? Dr. Sara Beckman: It's just a little 60's. Goodwin: 1760's or 1860's? Dr. Sara Beckman: But it looks good on you. Really. [as Goodwin improvises an escape] Dr. Sara Beckman: What gave you the idea? Something Rafe would do? Goodwin: No, McGuyver reruns. Dr. Sara Beckman: Who? Raphael 'Rafe' Cain: Goodwin makes cowardice look like an art form. The Bartender: True feelings are rarer than demon Christmas cards. [talking about his life] Raphael 'Rafe' Cain: What's the point? The Bartender: You want guarantees, buy a stereo. [talking to demons] Goodwin: You're sick. Rodan: You can say that again. Goodwin: You demon beasts. Rodan: Go on, give us more. Goodwin: You're wicked and evil. Taurez: I love it, keep going. Goodwin: No, you're worse than evil. You're...wevil! Pure wevil! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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