

  • Davis: There's only one rule: only I can kiss Kari. [Chocomon is juggling the other digimon] Willis: This is all my fault. Davis: Why? Did you teach him how to juggle? Tai: Hey Matt, who are those weird people? Matt: They aren't weird they're my best friends, considering this is the only computer in town. Tai Kamiya: You always say you love thunderstorms, so what's a few raindrops between friends? Davis: Hey, I said only I can kiss Kari, she my girl! Kari: What do mean, your girl? Izzy: Wargreymon quit like a coward. Tai: (angered) You take that back. Izzy: I was reading an e-mail from another kid. Tai: Well, you didn't have to read it so well. Izzy: He's really smart, he's only in elementary school, but he's taking classes at Colorado State Tai: So what? I'm in junior high school and I take classes in junior high school Kari: My brother and I had a give and take relationship. I would give and he would take. Wallace (Willis): Davis, you're a baby! Daisuke (Davis): Who're you calling a baby you baby? (he looks down at himself) Ah! I'm a baby! [Terriermon has just digivolved for the first time into Gargomon] Willis: Huh? He has pants now! Tai Kamiya: I wasn't going to send that letter! Kari: Then what did you write it for? Tai Kamiya: Ah go to your party. I can't believe Sora's gonna read my letter. Wait. Unable to deliver? I can't believe she's not going to read my letter! You try and tell a girl you're sorry and your computer shuts you down! [Agumon digivolves] Tai: ...Koromon? Red Greymon: I'm Greymon now. Tai: You can be whoever you want... big guy. Izzy: You've got mail! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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