

  • Geoffrey: It is not like pride is one of those seven deadly sins or anything. Mansel: Actually it is. Mansel: Drake is an innocent, he is easily mislead! Geoffrey: Don't worry. I'll protect him. Mansel: Who will protect him from you? Geoffrey: And then we can come back and be more famous than Bowen and Draco. All you have to do is just, open your wings... Drake: I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying here. I like it. If it's so easy, why don't you show me how to do it. Geoffrey: No, it would've been better for everybody if I was the dragon and you were the stableboy. Drake: Go ahead, I'd like to see that. Geoffrey: Stupid dragon! Master Kwan: [whispers to Lian, who's about to take on a group of armed soldiers single handed] Be gentle with them. Lord Osric of Crossley: Poor choice of siblings, Drake. Lord Osric of Crossley: The old code is only a way of controlling other people. Lord Osric of Crossley: One dragon survived! Fled to the east only to learn that the ancient code was nothing but a CRUEL JOKE! Oh he had his vengeance! But soon his heart too was plundered and he was cursed! Forced to live out his life in the wretched form he hated most... AS A MAN 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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