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  • Are you telling me there's something running around loose in the city, ripping out people's hearts and eating them so he can take their souls back to hell? Dick Durkin: Looks that way. Stone: Hallelujah. Dick Durkin: We need to get bigger guns. BIG FUCKING GUNS! Dick Durkin: I don't think this thing thinks it's Satan, I think this thing IS Satan. Stone: Well Satan is in deep shit. Dick Durkin: I saw a rat, so I shot it. Stone: You shot my kitchen, that's what! Dick Durkin: I missed the rat Stone: [holding up the tail of a rat not attached to much else] You mean this one? Dick Durkin: Cool! Stone: [Walking up to a barking guard Rottweiler, he takes out his badge and shoves it in front of the dog] Police, dickhead. Stone: The only thing we know for sure is that he's *not* a vegetarian. Dick Durkin: I think he's a psychotic with a psychopathic personality. Michelle: It bit me! Thrasher: [to Stone] Get the fuck out of my office. Stone: Did you see him? Dick Durkin: That wasnae a him, that was a fucking it! Stone: [to Durkin while grabbing his necktie] Have you been following me? Thrasher: Damn right he has! Paranoid people with guns are a menace to society! Stone: [to Thrasher while pulling Durkin forward by his necktie] You'd be paranoid too if you had a dipshit like this following you! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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