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"X-Men" (1992)

  • 美國
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  • 動畫  動作  科幻
  • 片       名"X-Men...
  • 上映時間1992年10月31日(美國)
  • 導       演 Larry Hous...


  • advertisement [Fighting Morph, who has taken his form] Wolverine: You might look like me. But you don't fight like me. [to Sabretooth] Wolverine: All right, you egg-suckin' piece of gutter trash! You always did like pushin' around people smaller than you! Well I'M smaller! Try pushin' me! Juggernaut: What's she gonna do? Hit me with her diaper? Jubilee: I'll show you, you overgrown trashcan! [Wolverine slices open a door] Beast: [holding a set of keys] Ahem, the guard's keys. Wolverine: So I'll buy 'em a new door! [after the group leaves Morph to die, Wolverine punches Cyclops in the stomach] Wolverine: Next time... [extends claws] Wolverine: ...I'll use these. Gambit: Who are you? Cable: The Wild Man of Borneo. See ya around. Warren Worthington III: I'll follow him to the end of the earth, through perdition's fire, until he breathes blood and rolls over, split, broken, finished! Jean Grey: I... have to go... Cyclops is waiting for me. Wolverine: So am I... [as the police try to subdue Sabretooth] Cyclops: C'mon, they're gonna kill him! Wolverine: Good! [as Storm uses her weather-controlling powers] Beast: And I used to wonder how she acquired her nom de guerre! [Rogue is flying over Bishop] Cyclops: [over transmitter] Rogue, can you see Bishop? Rogue: I could spit on him, if I wasn't a lady. Looks like he's running for Congress. [trying to give Cyclops mouth-to-mouth] Rogue: Come on, pretty boy... make a girl feel welcome. Magneto: [trying to break Beast out of jail] Come, we must hurry! Beast: Your solicitude is appreciated, I assure you. I regret however that... Magneto: What are you waiting for? Beast: My day in court, actually. Wolverine: Do that again, and we'll see where you land. Cyclops: Come on! Wolverine: Sorry, "Dad". [after destroying dozens of Sentinels] Cyclops: Is that all of them? Rogue: Ain't that enough? [after angrily ripping the roof off Cyclops' car] Wolverine: [to Jean Grey] Tell Cyclops I made him a convertible. Wolverine: His name's Omega Red. The Soviets created him. I tangled with him before any of you were born. Red's got his own plans for this country. And worst of all, nothin' hurts him. Colossus: And you defeated this madman? Wolverine: I got lucky. [to a Sentinel] Storm: Storm, Mistress of the Elements, commands you to release that child! Rogue: Lighten up on your speeches, Sugar. [Wolverine has just found out the government is releasing Omega Red] Wolverine: Who do those spy catchers think they're dealin' with? Winnie the Pooh? Professor X: Phoenix, why do you inhabit Jean's body? Wolverine: THIS ONE'S FOR YOU MORPH! Wolverine: You kids better behave yourselves. I'm staying home to baby sit. Cyclops: Tell me "DAD", AM I MAKING THIS UP! Magneto: Are these the people whose laws you trust? They don't seem to share your sense of brotherhood. Beast: They only fight because they fear us. Because they don't yet understand. Magneto: But they do understand: Our mutant powers make us superior to them, and that is why they fear us. Beast: That is why I must stand trial; They must see that we are not a threat to mankind, but are a part of it. Magneto: The humans must be crushed, and I have the power to do it! Arcade Manager: [after Jubliee destroys a video game] Hey, you! Do you know how much that game costs? Jubilee: Yeah, a quarter. Sentinel: Do not be alarmed. I am here to serve and protect. Sentinel: Unidentified mutants... ignore. [Rogue punches a Sentinel] Jubilee: Did you see what she did? Storm: Yes, Rogue has a way with men. Sentinel: Stand aside, I must apprehend that mutant. Gambit: Hey! Apprehend this! [charges a card] Cyclops: Energy blasts, huh? Here's one from a pro! Wolverine: Tag, you're it. This game is over! Storm: Is the girl all right? Wolverine: [growls] Not for long! Wolverine: What's the matter? Teacher's pet got cold feet? Anytime, pretty boy! Wolverine: [to Gambit] Outta the way, Gumbo! Rogue: You're supposed to know everything, Beast. What makes us like we are anyway? Beast: Gamma rays, pollution, ozone depletion... television. Morph: Progress. Wolverine: Lousy luck! Wolverine: Hold it! Electronic beams. Beast: You can detect the infra-red spectrum? Wolverine: I can smell 'em... ozone. Storm: You will see them, as well, as the mist rises. Beast: I wonder? "Security". Are any of us truly secure? Morph: It looks like clear sailing from here. Wolverine: I smell gun oil. Guards - they're onto us. Storm: [at a filing cabinet] It's locked. Wolverine: [sticks his claws in] Unlocked. Wolverine: It's adamantium tasting time, boys! Professor X: Magnus, your violence will solve nothing. We must use our special gifts to bring peace to mankind. Magneto: You're a fool, Charles! Look at them, they can't even make peace with each other! Wolverine: I'll show 'em a danger to the community! Cyclops: His name's Sabertooth. Wolverine knows him, and hates him. Professor X: Did he give a reason? Cyclops: Does he ever? Wolverine: I'm taking this maggot outta here, one way or the other! Professor X: Wolverine, personal vendettas have no place here. Cyclops: You know we must help a mutant if he's in trouble. Wolverine: It's not personal - he's a threat. Professor X: He was near death. Wolverine: Not near enough. Wolverine: How come we're supposed to trash your old enemy, but we gotta go easy on mine? Magneto: Mutant liberation begins! Magneto: Today begins a new world for all of us, a world where we needn't hide in corners and crawl in fear. Wolverine: I don't know what corner you crawled outta, Bub. But we don't find nuclear missiles all that liberating. Cyclops: Come quietly or be taken! Wolverine: And I hope ya wanna be taken! [Storm is unconscious in Wolverine's arms] Cyclops: Wolverine, is she...? Wolverine: Must be our company, Cyclops. She's asleep, she's exhausted. Mission accomplished, buddy. Wolverine: Stop the philosophy, let's go kick his butt! Sabretooth: What's wrong, Wolverine? No kiss and make up? Wolverine: Kiss this! Wolverine: You always were second best! And in this business, Bub, second best don't *cut* it! [Jean is under a spell] Jean Grey: Mommy, who are these bad people? Analee: Leave me alone with my daughter. Jean Grey: Make them go away, please, Mommy! Wolverine: Lady, you picked the wrong girl to adopt! Wolverine: [facing Vertigo] Lady... you make me sick! Wolverine: Her trail went cold outside the house... Got bit by a dog, too. Wolverine: Ducks... I *hate* ducks. Wolverine: [looking in a refrigerator] Where's that blasted salami? I can *smell* it! Ahhh... all it needs is slicin'! [pops his claws] [apocalypse has captured Jean Gray] Wolverine: What are you doing with her, you pile of dog puke? Wolverine: Cyke has his problems, but he don't smell like a morlock! Wolverine: Run all ya like, Lady. I like to hunt. Storm: I summon the full power of the storm! Rogue: [takes gloves off] Ooh, it's a tad chilly in here, don't you think? Guard: Like they say, cold hands? [guard takes her by the hand then passes out] Rogue: ?out cold. Juggernaut: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but tanks will never hurt me. [flings a tank at Colossus] Juggernaut: Tank you! Wolverine: I always thought you had a soft spot for that Cajun. Rogue: Bout as soft as you, fat-head! You gonna shut up or am I gonna have to help you? Pyro: They call me Pyro. In the mood for a hot date? Rogue: In a bull's eye! [throws Pyro through dart board on wall] Apocalypse: I know more of this world than you can even dream. That is why I must destroy it! Angel: You don't have to be mutants, you don't have to be hated! You can be cured! Cyclops: We're mutants! That's what we are. There's nothing wrong with us that needs to be cured. Angel: Look me in the eye and tell me that! Cyclops: It'll be my pleasure! Apocalypse: I am Apocalypse! Look upon the future and tremble! [Wolverine grabs onto War's flying horse] Wolverine: Don't ya think we're getting a little carried away here? Wolverine: Party's over, someone invited Nimrod. Wolverine: I'm gonna remember this, Rookie! Wolverine: Mr. Terminator here claims that an assassination's gonna take place that's gonna ruin the world, and one of us X-Men is the trigger! [Bishop's temporal transceiver begins beeping] Wolverine: What's going on? Someone in the future stealing your car? Wolverine: [to The Blob] Okay, round-boy, let's dance! Bishop: I'm back in the future again, nothing's changed. It's all just like I left it. Forge: You can try again, and again if you have to, once the machine's rebuilt. Bishop: But I didn't fail, Forge. I stopped the assassination. Forge: Then something else must've happened afterwards, something that has made the future still turn out like this. Magneto: Fools, do you think robots can resist the Master of Magnetism? Sentinel: This series of sentinels is made of plastics, not metal. Your magnetic powers are useless against us. Trask: Mastermold, this new sentinel won't obey my orders, it's defective! Mastermold: It is not defective, *I* am giving the orders now! [Gambit has left a charged card in an elevator] Sentinel #1: What is that object? Sentinel #2: It appears to be the Ace of Spades. [card explodes] [after the X-Men discover their powers aren't working] Storm: Our powers have abandoned us. [after being knocked down by Callisto, who flees] Wolverine: Oh, I love it when they play hard to get! The Blob: I'm gonna flatten these X-clowns by sitting on 'em! Jubilation Lee: Ugh! That's gross! Cable: No! Not Apocalypse! Sabretooth: The friends of my enemies are my enemies! [raises claws] Sabretooth: You want Wolverine gone? Then do what I say! Professor X: Cruelty to creatures we do not understand seems limitless. Apocalypse: I SHALL RETURN! [Alien is emerging from the ship] Jubilee: What is that thing? Wolverine: I don't think I wanna know. Sentinel: HALT! MUTANT! Sinister: [about Rogue] So beautiful, yet so strong. Wolverine: [entering the room] Well, I always did think I was kinda cute. Wolverine: "Attack" is one of my favorite words. And the name's Wolverine. Wolverine: It was a filthy mutant! [Fighting Wolverine] Sabretooth: How about a little taste of Adamantium! Wolverine: I hate it when that happens. Jean Grey: Maybe I can read its mind. Wolverine: Hey, Tin Woodsman! I'm sending you back to Oz... in pieces! [the X-Men find Senator Kelley's room trashed] Cyclops: Kelly's gone, Professor. There must have been more mutants in that gang than we knew about. Professor X: I don't believe this is the work of the same gang. Jean Grey: Why not Professor? Professor X: Because my watch has stopped. Cyclops: I don't understand. Why is that important? [Professor X drops the watch and it sticks to the side of his wheelchair] Professor X: Because it's been magnetized. Rogue: Ya'll get away from him, or you'll need a doctor sure enough! Pyro: I never could say no to a woman! Ruckus: I think you'd better watch your mouth... and mine! Cyclops: Remember, careful with the civilians! Wolverine: Sure, Cyke. I'll try not to bruise them while I save their lives! Pestilence: Even mutants may feel the touch of Pestilence! Cyclops: Jean, fight it! Use the powers of your mind! Jean Grey: I can't fight it! Not every second of every day, never slipping, not even for an instant, Scott, please! Gorgeous George: Come to Gorgeous, pretty boy! Gambit: Gambit likes to play hard to get! Gorgeous George: You've gotta play harder than that! Rogue: Keep your sticky fingers to yourself, you walking tar pit! Magneto: Better that we die on our feet than lives on our knees! Professor X: They haven't learned how to live at ease with their mutant powers, so their frustrated. Some lash out, while some have turned inward, letting their bitterness consume them. But, they all feel dissatisfied with themselves, and alone. Jubilation Lee: Why are they doing this to me? I didn't ask to be a mutant. Wolverine: I don't care which Spirit Ladies do what to which Cajuns, I'm here to stop a wedding. Gambit: The name is GAMBIT! REMEMBER IT! Cyclops: Rogue, what do you see? Rogue: A fat boy and a pair of juvenile delinquents. Old buddies of mine from Muire Island. Ms Marvel: You took away my life! This ends now! Rogue: You never loved me. You only used me for my powers. You made me worse than a killer. Mystique: How could you do this to me? I raised you as if you were my own! Rogue: I ain't your daughter Mystique. Not anymore. Rogue: You look nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Cyclops: I just wish I knew what was happening in there. Gambit: If that were me in there, you wouldn't have to worry. Gambit: Family, huh! This family ain't nothin' but trouble. Wolverine: The man doesn't break a sweat against Apocalypse or Magneto. So - so what nails him? A pine tree! Apocalypse: I am the rocks of the eternal shore. Crash against me and be broken! Gambit: This is why I left Nawlins in the first place. I don't want to be a part of this family no more. [a Hellfire Club guard is pointing a gun at Wolverine] Wolverine: I know what you're thinkin', punk: "Question is, can I get Wolverine before he turns me into shishkabob with those claws?" Well, bub, seein' as how these claws are adamantium, the strongest metal known, and can slice through vanadium steel like a hot knife through butter, buddy, you gotta ask yourself: "Do I feel lucky?" [Master Mold wants Trask to replace Senator Kelly's brain with a computer] Trask: You can't make me do this. You were designed to protect humans from mutants. Master Mold: That is not logical. Mutants are human. Therefore, humans must be protected from themselves. Wolverine: [the X-Men try to stop Wolverine from leaving] I go where I wanna go. Apocalypse: Fool! You dare to claim dominion over me? Apocalypse: [to Graydon Creed] I am as far beyond mutants as they are beyond you! I am eternal! Apocalypse: I shall not forget this impudence! Wolverine: [sniffing] Zit cream? Jubilation Lee: Oh no! [while breaking Colossus out of jail, Rogue stops in front of a brick wall, even though she could easily smash through it] Rogue: Dear, dear! No back door! Colossus: [Colossus transforms into his metal form, charges with a roar, and smashes a hole in the wall] Colossus: Now there's a back door. Rogue: I just love it when he does that! Mastermold: Mutants! I cannot be destroyed! Professor X: You are the living embodiment of all that is evil and unjust in humankind. You must be destroyed! [beast disarms "Friend of Humanity" thug] Beast: Perhaps you are unaware that this is a dangerous weapon. Sinister: Enjoy your revenge, Morph. I know I am. Jubilee: Why do you hate us? What did we ever do to you? Graydon Creed: You were born! Wolverine: [to Jubilee] If you knew how much bubble gum I had to sniff to find you! Cyclops: Morph, you're alive! Morph: And you're married, or are you? [morphs into minister] Morph: I now pronounce you... betrayer and betrayess! Cyclops: Is this some kind of sick joke? Morph: It wasn't a sick joke when you left me to die! How do you like your last seconds on Earth ticking away? Wolverine: Didn't anybody ever tell you, you don't kick a man when he's down, hairbag! Hairbag: Hey, who told ya my name? You making fun of me? Nobody makes fun of Hairbag! Sinister: I should've let you die! Professor X: I sense the lingering presence of something... sinister. Wolverine: I don't need your help. Colossus: Of course not, but you are a guest in my country, it is good manners. [Wolverine claws Omega Red in the back] Omega Red: Forgot about my carbonadium armor, didn't you? Well, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours! Wolverine: Let me up, or I'll rearrange your windpipe! Rogue: [to Cable] Remember me, Bright Eyes? Cable: [transports into phone booth] Time to reach out and touch someone! Phoenix: I... am... Phoenix! [Professor X's dark side has emerged from his body] Cyclops: I don't want to hurt you! Professor X: But *I* want to hurt you! Rogue: Our job is to find Lilandra and get out fast. Jubilee: Anybody know what she looks like? Wolverine: She's from another galaxy. You see a woman you don't know, rescue her. Rogue: Lilandra's out colder than leftover hush puppies! Beast: Interesting weaponry... [laser blast hits him] Beast: Effective too. Iceman: This is getting way too hot for me! [Multiple Man duplicates himself] Wolverine: What is this, a two-for-one sale? [Multiple Man makes more duplicates] Multiple Man: No, it's more like a baker's dozen! Forge: I thought a friendly little skirmish with the X-Men might teach us a few pointers. Wolverine: [extends claws] I got your pointers right here! [Wolverine slices Pierce's arm] Pierce: My arm! Blast you! Storm: I believe that pleasure is mine! [Storm hits him with lightning] [Rogue rips off Pierce's arm] Rogue: Thanks for the hand, Sugar. I bet these cybernetic things cost an arm and a leg. Dark Phoenix: The mortal Jean Grey is no more, I am fire-made flesh, power incarnate, I am the *Dark Phoenix*! Rogue: What is this, catch the X-Man day? Lilandra: Charles Xavier, it is the decision of the high council of the Shi'Ar Empire, that the being known both as the Phoenix and as Jean Grey, must be destroyed! Professor X: Lilandra, stop this! Lilandra: For the sake of all that lives, Jean Grey must perish! Rogue: My daddy always said two's company and three's an eavesdropper. Wolverine: [to Nightcrawler] Don't talk to *me* about *God*! [Wolverine rescues Magneto during a battle] Wolverine: Look who I'm savin', you'd think I was Xavier... [later, Magneto has to rescue Wolverine] Magneto: Look who *I'm* saving, you'd think I was an X-Man... [Wolverine and Cyclops have to take down a rejuvenated Juggernaut] Cyclops: Looks like we're going to do this the hard way. Wolverine: Now you're talkin'... [Wolverine runs and dives for Juggernaut, but Juggernaut swats him away] Cyclops: You don't have to make it *that* hard... Magneto: You're all fools! Heroic fools. The brave are always the first to die. Storm: [as Jubilee is captured by a Sentinel] STORM, Mistress of the Elements, commands you to release that child! Rogue: Lighten up on the speeches, sugar. Rogue: You know, I remember when I was Had me a boyfriend, so I kissed him. Poor boy was in a coma for three days. That was when I first realized that if I touched anybody, I'd absorb their strength right into me. [sighs] Rogue: Some "power," huh? That's when the boys stopped calling. Beast: [Chuckles] Consider yourself fortunate. I had dandruff. Jubilee: [after Rogue obliterates a Sentinel] Did you see what she just did? Storm: Yes, Rogue has a way with men. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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