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巫術神劍 (1982)

  • 美國
  • |
  • 動作  奇幻  冒險
  • 片       名巫術神劍
  • 上映時間1982年07月28日(美國)
  • 導       演 艾伯特·佩恩


  • Prince Talon: I have no quarrel with you. Out of my way. Xusia: Cromwell is mine! Prince Talon: Now we have a quarrel. [last lines] Prince Talon: Come now, let's be off. There's a battle in the offing! We've got kingdoms to save and women to love! Guard: Beat it, kid, or die. Prince Talon: That's a small threat. That's a very small threat. Prince Mikah: You're mad. Titus Cromwell: Perhaps. Eric: We never should have followed that bitch in here. Morgan: Quiet, barnacle. It was those land-lubbers that led us into this trap. Titus Cromwell: I will allow you to live as long as you serve me. Betray me, and I will joyfully send you back to rot in hell. Princess Alana: Is your sword for hire? Prince Talon: I hope so. [to the Sorcerer] Titus Cromwell: How do we know a toad like you even has the power to aid us? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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