

  • Eric: Let's not question our flesh for wanting to remain flesh. Kitala: Love and hate are two horns on the same goat. Ragnar: Look how he glares at me... If he wasn't fathered by the black ram in the full of the moon my name is not Ragnar. Kitala: [about Eric] You'll not kill him, but you throw him into the slop pool to be drowned and eaten by crabs. Ragnar: Then let the crabs be cursed by Odin. That's my decision. Ragnar: [introducing Lord Egbert to his son] This is Einar, my only son in wedlock. He's so vain of his beauty, he won't let a man's beard hide it. He scrapes his face like an Englishman. Einar: [about Eric] The sun will cross the sky a thousand times before he dies, and you'll wish a thousand times that you were dead. Einar: [to Ragnar on his return] I drink to your safe return in English ale. I wish that it were English blood. Aella: Thank you, Father Godwin... You are the watchdog of my fury. Ragnar: [to Einar] You see, the English are civilized. Aella: Hold out the hand that has defied me. Egbert: Lies will not sustain a tyrant. Morgana: I will not lift one finger to resist you. Morgana: I don't need traitors to plead my cause. Einar: All right, you can keep the slave... for as long as you live. Ragnar: [about Einar] What a son! Odin could have sired him, but I did! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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