
"Witchblade" (2001)

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  • Jake McCartey: You okay, Sara? Sara Pezzini: I've never been okay. Sara Pezzini: Every day above ground is a special day. Kenneth Irons: Common sense has never been a reliable guide to understanding the universe. Sara Pezzini: [to Ian] Do you ever *not* lurk? Ian Nottingham: I'm not the one you have to fear. I'm not a monster. Be aware, Sara. There are evil spirits in human form that tread on this earth. Look in mirrors, look in shadows, look inside. Sara Pezzini: I'm sorry. I don't quite follow you. Could you be a bit more vague? Sara Pezzini: Is your computer online? Gabriel Bowman: Is Elvis worm food? Gabriel Bowman: Oh, yeah? Wh-wh-what are you going to do? You gonna amp up your little Witchblade and cut me? Ian Nottingham: Telekinesis, telepathy, synchronicity. Just because you don't see something, doesn't mean it isn't real. Sara Pezzini: What I saw was a psychotic criminal who gave himself a sucking chest wound. Ian Nottingham: But what did he see, Sara? Sara Pezzini: A muzzle flash. Vicky Po: Who's the pirate? Sara Pezzini: Just some guy I know. Vicky Po: Yeah? What's he doing around here? Sara Pezzini: Proselytizing. Vicky Po: Hey, big word. Sara Pezzini: I know bigger ones. Vicky Po: I think he's kind of cute. I like those swarthy guys Sara Pezzini: Yeah, swarthy... psychotic, bipolar, hard bodies, what a treat. Vicky Po: He's got that look like he can just walk on water. Sara Pezzini: Well, he can definitely walk through walls 'cause I have no idea how he got in here. Mugger: Wallet, watch and cash, bitch! Ian Nottingham: Risky line of work you're in. Mugger: Do you want me to kill you? Ian Nottingham: Kind of. Mugger: Well, I'm game. Now give me what I asked you for! Ian Nottingham: I'm going to give you more than what you asked me for. I'm going to give you... your life. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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