
紅樓遺恨 (1947)

  • 美國
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  • 驚悚    災難
  • 片       名紅樓遺恨
  • 上映時間1947年03月16日(美國)
  • 導       演 德爾默·戴夫斯


  • Pete Morgan: The truth shouldn't scare anybody, man or boy. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Nath Storm 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : Look mom, why don't you close the store and marry Don Brent. Nath Storm: Sometimes it seems the more I know about women the less I know about women. Nath Storm: You do more than talk things over, you come back here a bride. We don't want any dead ducks in the family. Pete Morgan: Don't put such a high price on courage, it's an over-rated virtue. Pete Morgan: Sometimes we figure too much son, the wrong things. Things that can never be figured. Then it's bad, bad for everyone. Pete Morgan: There's a curse on those woods. Nath Storm: There's some connection between Pete's red house and whoever hit me. Meg Mogan: I thought Pete told you not to go in those woods. Meg Mogan: Ok, Sunday we'll go prowling. Meg Mogan: I found an old trail, maybe it leads somewhere. Tibby Renton: You're on my time now, or had you forgotten we had a date to go swimming this afternoon. Nath Storm: She's like an ornery heifer sometimes, hard to hold down. Pete Morgan: There's one thing you gotta do for me, stay outta those woods. Pete Morgan: You know when I was a young man and in love, Sunday was a good day for swooning. Nath Storm: I don't care what Pete said, I wish we were prowling in the woods today. Tibby Renton: I wanna clear out these hills when I get married. Nath Storm: Since when? Tibby Renton: Since now. Nath Storm: I like the ground around here and I'd just as soon keep my feet on it. Ellen Morgan: Do you think there's a man on earth without something to conceal. Nath Storm: Go and stick your head under a faucet and cool off Tibby. Ellen Morgan: Meg needs to be with young people like Nath. You can't condemn her to loneliness. Pete Morgan: Whatever happines I get I've got to find while I live. Ellen Morgan: You can get happiness by giving it. Pete Morgan: As long as the Red House stands in the quarry my whole life is Meg's and her whole life is mine. Nath Storm: She's sleeping awfully sound... she's dead. Tibby Renton: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Hi, what you got on your mind... me? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Teller: I couldn't get you otta my mind baby. Tibby Renton: That's the way I was made too. Meg Mogan: She hurt bad? Nath Storm: She's dead. Pete Morgan: You defied the woods and you were hurt. She defied them, and now she's dead. Pete Morgan: Everything I love... dies. Meg Mogan: Then you did kill her? Pete Morgan: No, it was an accident, I was just trying to keep her quiet. Pete Morgan: I picked up the whip and beat him till he wasn't handsome anymore, till he was dead, finished. Pete Morgan: Stop that crying, stop it! Nath Storm: I thought I better finish what Ellen set out to do sweetheart. I set fire to the red house. Looking forwards is much better than looking back. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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