
Aks (2001)

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  • 驚悚  災難


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  • Mahadevan Ghatge 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : [confronting Manu] Brother?... your face... it's different... [Manu, as Raghavan, spent a night with Neeta and Mahadevan] Supriya Verma: [on phone] Manu, where were you? I kept waiting up for you all of last night, what happened? Insp. Manu Verma: Duty... and beauty... Supriya Verma: [confused] What? Insp. Manu Verma: Take away all rules and regulations, and Manu Verma would be another Raghavan! You need me... YOU NEED ME! Supriya Verma: Still working? If you people bring your work to the dining table, I might take the dinner to your office, ok? Insp. Manu Verma: Messages from friends can be ignored, Mr. Pradhan. Not those from foes. Madhu Pradhan: Why didn't Manu marry for so long? Supriya Verma: That's what my dad asked. And you know what Manu said? Madhu Pradhan: No! Supriya Verma: Guess... Madhu Pradhan: Must have said that he hadn't found the right girl. Supriya Verma: No! Madhu Pradhan: Then what? Supriya Verma: He said, he forgot. Neeta: Have you ever quenched your thirst with fire, officer? Raghavan Ghatge: [after killing any of his victims] No one dies. No one kills. It's not that I say so... it's written in The Gita. Insp. Manu Verma: Listen, you are not a bad man. You are a demon! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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