

  • Elegant Woman at Party: She reminds me of somebody, but I can't think who it is. Gentleman at Party: You, when we first met. Jill Young: So, this is L.A., huh? Everything looks the same. How do you know where you are? Greg O'Hara: It's easy. The ocean's that way, the mountains are that way, Mexico's that way, and Canada's thataway. You don't have to worry about the rest; you'll never see it through the smog. Greg O'Hara: [Joe is holding him in the air by his leg] You think you could you get him to put me down? Jill Young: Drop him, Joe. [Joe drops him roughly and Greg passes out] Cecily Banks: [has just gotten word that Joe had arrived at the zoo] Okay, people! Elvis is in the building! Jill Young: [sees Greg coming out of the infirmary] He's walking already? Joe should have dropped him harder. Andrei Strasser: Monsterle! Monsterle! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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