

  • Hyena-Swine: There is no pain, there is no law! Edward Douglas: Are you a doctor? Montgomery: Well, I'm more of a vet. [On why Dr. Moreau left the U.S] Montgomery: Animal rights activists drove him out of the States. Got so bad you couldn't cage a rat without reading him his rights. Dr. Moreau: I have seen the devil in my microscope, and I have chained him. [When Edward Douglas attempts to radio for help] Montgomery: What are you going to say? "Mayday. Mayday. I'm being held by a pig lady." Sayer of the Law: To go on two legs is very hard. Perhaps four is better, anyway. Sayer of the Law: It is a hard way, the way of being a man. Sooner or later we all want a thing that is bad. To walk on all fours. To suck up drink from a stream. To jabber, instead of saying the words. To go snuffling at the earth, and to claw on the bark of trees. To eat flesh, or fish. To make love to more than one, every which way. These are all bad things. These are not the things that men do. But we are men, are we not? We are men because the Father has made us men! Dr. Moreau: I understand that I must be shocking to you, however, I must also point out that I have an allergy to the sun and that's why I put this medication on. [Dr.Moreau explaining why he covers himself in white powder] Dr. Moreau: I have almost achieved perfection you see, of a divine creature that is pure, harmonious, absolutely incapable of any malice. And if in my tinkering I have fallen short of the human form by the snout, claw or hoof, it really is of no great importance. I am closer that you could possibly imagine sir. Dr. Moreau: [Aissa walks behind Dr.Moreau and massages his shoulders] Ah God yes, oh yes God, oh please, forcefully, forcefully [Aissa puts more force into it and causes pain on Dr.Moreau] Dr. Moreau: Oh... oh no, oh my God 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • [Dr.Moreau clears his throat, coughs and removes Aissa's hands from his shoulders] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Dr. Moreau: Not so strong, you have no idea how strong you can be. You must be very, very careful. Dr. Moreau: Do you hear Lo-Mai?... Do you hear? [Upon hearing the accusation in Lo-Mai's trial] Hyena-Swine: Tell me, why you make the pain, if we are your children. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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