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The Lady in Question (1999)

  • 美國
  • |
  • 災難  犯罪  驚悚
  • 片       名The Lady in Que...
  • 上映時間1999年12月12日(美國)
  • 導       演 Joyce Chop...


  • Klaus Gruber: Hel-lo beautiful! How'd you get that sunshine in your smile? Mimi Barnes: Oh, my goodness, what a great line... but you really shouldn't waste that stuff, you know. May I ask you a question, Mr., uh...? Klaus Gruber: Wheeler. John Wheeler. Mimi Barnes: How many times have you used that line before? Now be honest. Klaus Gruber: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • But this was the first time I really meant it, honestly. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • fa8 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Det. Tony Rossini: I got one of my men watching him at the hotel. I could take you there, wait with you in my car. If this Wheeler guy shows himself in the lobby or cocktail lounge, or tries to leave the hotel, maybe you could bump into him -- you know, accidentally pass him by -- and if he asks you for a drink, maybe you could accept. "Oh, what kind of business are you in, Mr. Wheeler? Oh, how NICE. Oh, do you have family, Mr. Wheeler?" Do you think you could do that? Mimi Barnes: Are you kidding? That's what I do all day on the plane! Det. Tony Rossini: [to Larry] I see your face, pal. What do you think, I'm nuts? One of my guys would be with her EVERY MINUTE! And if he wants to get her alone, she just says no. You think I'd let anything happen to her? Larry Carter: You know how many movies I've seen this in? But somehow the girl ALWAYS gets-- Det. Tony Rossini: [interrupting] Ah, no! No! Not this girl. And you wanna you know why? Larry Carter: Why? Det. Tony Rossini: Because I wasn't in any of those movies, that's why. Mimi Barnes: Let's try it. Det. Tony Rossini: I already know who did it, you know? Larry Carter: You do? Det. Tony Rossini: Yeah, that's what worries me. Larry Carter: Why? Det. Tony Rossini: 'Cause I might spend all my time trying to prove that I'm right, and miss out on the REAL McCoy. And that's why you're here, pal. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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