
星塵 (2007)

  • 美國 英國
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  • 愛情  冒險  奇幻
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  • 2小時7分鐘
  • 片       名星塵
  • 上映時間2007年08月09日(俄羅斯)
  • 導(dǎo)       演 馬修·沃恩
【又見小說改編電影】??   兩個平行的宇宙空間,只用一堵石頭墻分隔開來--《星塵》所展示的是如此近距離、反差卻非常大兩個世界所帶來的那種奇幻感,跟隨著故事中的特里斯坦的腳步,人們將會從一個正常的世界,一腳跨進(jìn)神奇的仙境。??   一顆流星,卻引起了瘋狂的追捕……這樣的故事靈感來自于當(dāng)今最富有想象力的暢銷小說作家尼爾·蓋曼,他的獲獎作品的涵蓋面非常廣,有小說、漫畫,還有劇本,每一個值得記憶的傳奇故事都展現(xiàn)出了無與倫比的理性與趣味性。1997年,由蓋曼創(chuàng)作的《星塵》正式出版,這是一個擁有奇幻風(fēng)格的親切故事,在DC?Comics公司推出的一套四集的電視系列短劇中,通過美國著名插畫家查爾斯·維斯(Charles?Vess)那驚人的圖解說明得到了全方位的展現(xiàn)。差不多一年后,《星塵》終于以小說的形式出版,并以最快的速度打進(jìn)暢銷小說榜,成為那一年最受歡迎的小說之一。??   無論在評論界還是在讀者之間,《星塵》中所講述的那個故事因?yàn)橛哪L(fēng)趣和魔法風(fēng)貌,被頻繁地拿來與《公主新娘》和《大魔域》進(jìn)行對比。所有的一切都是圍繞著一個魔法王國展開的,大致的意思就是,一顆流星劃過大氣層,變成了一位迷人的女士,她讓一個普通的土小子變成了他一直夢想著的英雄……這樣一個童話故事的珍貴之處就在于它的現(xiàn)代感和經(jīng)典的主題,小說的作者尼爾·蓋曼說:“我只是想寫一個男人,當(dāng)他有了心愛的女人之后,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)她并非自己的真愛。從一開始,我的腦海里就有一個想法,然后跟隨著這個想法一路創(chuàng)作下來。讓我感到驕傲的是,完成的小說和我當(dāng)初預(yù)想的一模一樣。”??   雖然尼爾·蓋曼的本意只是想講一個充滿傳奇的故事,但是它贏得了所有年齡段的書迷的喜歡,這最終成就了《星塵》的大銀幕之旅。從小說一出版,似乎就不斷有人提及,稱這樣一個奇幻故事是檢驗(yàn)當(dāng)代高科技的電影技術(shù)和電腦數(shù)碼特效的完美選擇……然而,《星塵》引起的卻是一個獨(dú)立電影導(dǎo)演的興趣,他曾因?yàn)樽髌分械纳願W與堅(jiān)韌而在電影工業(yè)中聞名,他的名字就叫馬修·沃恩,他希望可以通過幕布讓這個奇妙的世界變得栩栩如生,依靠的就是那些小說中未被人動用過的超凡魅力。??   馬修·沃恩最初是以制片人的身份走進(jìn)人們的視線的,負(fù)責(zé)的都是一些快節(jié)奏、有趣味性、有影響力的英國動作喜劇片,例如《兩桿大煙槍》和《偷拐搶騙》。他的導(dǎo)演處女作是備受贊譽(yù)的黑幫驚悚片《夾心蛋糕》,主演丹尼爾·克雷格正是憑借這部影片才得到了詹姆斯·邦德這個角色的。盡管《星塵》的美好和童話性與《夾心蛋糕》有著天壤之別,卻抵不住這個故事對沃恩的吸引力,就像“暴風(fēng)之所”里的所有人一樣,沃恩也以最快的速度受到了“流星美女”的誘惑,和所有想這樣或那樣利用她滿足自己欲望的角色一樣。沃恩回憶道:“《星塵》是我讀過的最精彩、最有原創(chuàng)性的故事之一,作為一名導(dǎo)演,我最主要的興趣就是講故事,然而在現(xiàn)代電影中,這似乎成了一種被遺忘的藝術(shù)。”??   受到了充滿魔力的尼爾·蓋曼在紙上創(chuàng)作的一切的影響,馬修·沃恩也想得到小說原作者的祝福,然而蓋曼并不想交出《星塵》的版權(quán),好在他最終被沃恩對這個故事執(zhí)著的愛和豐富、有創(chuàng)造力的想法所感動,改變了主意。蓋曼說:“最重要的是,我相信他。”??   有了尼爾·蓋曼的支持,馬修·沃恩下一步需要的就是一個合適的改編劇本,將平面上的角色變得有在有肉。沃恩接受了蓋曼的建議,找到英國的劇作家兼小說家簡·高德曼(Jane?Goldman),她不但憑借小說《夢境》(Dreamland)成為新一代作家中最富有創(chuàng)造力的一個,還在英國非常流行的電視節(jié)目《簡·高德曼的研究報告》(Jane?Goldman?Investigates)中充當(dāng)推薦人的角色,她總能在超自然的東西里尋找到不可思議的結(jié)果,不管是幽靈還是第六感。??   尼爾·蓋曼希望簡·高德曼能夠?qū)⑺龑矍椤⑸衩睾腿诵缘母杏X帶到故事中來,然后再由馬修·沃恩主導(dǎo)那些有創(chuàng)造力的想象畫面,也就是如何解決差不多兩個小時的“流星”伊凡娜在大銀幕上所留下的驚人視覺沖擊力--可以說這樣的編劇搭檔組合正好能起到互取所長、互補(bǔ)所短的效果。?? 【童話故事也需要穿衣打扮】??   對于演員來說,服裝與扮相肯定能夠加深他們與影片中那些奇幻的角色之間的聯(lián)系,繼而徹底地切斷他們對現(xiàn)實(shí)世界的熟悉感。《星塵》的服裝設(shè)計(jì)師薩米·謝爾登,不僅曾為像《V字仇殺隊(duì)》這樣的科幻大制作設(shè)計(jì)過服裝,也挑戰(zhàn)過異裝喜劇《長靴》和科幻喜劇《銀河系漫游指南》……如今她要為《星塵》設(shè)計(jì)的是兩種截然不同的穿衣風(fēng)格:一面是平常的“圍墻村”的村民;一面是“暴風(fēng)之所”里那狂野、放蕩不羈的居民的隨性。謝爾登說:“小村莊總是那么地整潔優(yōu)雅,很有民間風(fēng)情,而‘暴風(fēng)之所’則處處是鮮艷的色彩和奇異地兼容了各種文化的風(fēng)格,因?yàn)槟鞘且粋€魔法世界,能把一切不可能變?yōu)榭赡堋!??   單就這部影片來說,最讓薩米·謝爾登滿意的就是那些邪惡的女巫的穿著。故事中的她們等待“流星”的墮落已經(jīng)很久了,盼望著有朝一日自己能夠永葆青春。在導(dǎo)演馬修·沃恩的建議下,謝爾登完全放棄了電影中的女巫通常情況下會采用的那種帶兜帽、黑色拖地長袍的裝扮,她的解釋是:“我們的女巫很有幾分異域的風(fēng)情,同時還有點(diǎn)異教徒的感覺。她們的衣服都是文藝復(fù)興時期的風(fēng)格,擁有像寶石一樣鮮艷的顏色,包括綠、紅和紫色,然后再配有少量的黑色點(diǎn)綴其中,看起來就像是三顆有邪惡力量的魔法石。”??   米歇爾·菲佛在影片中飾演女巫拉米亞,她所穿的衣服的設(shè)計(jì)靈感就來源于希臘神話中那個有著和她一樣名字、半蛇半人的女妖,薩米·謝爾登說:“我們給她設(shè)計(jì)的衣服是綠色、金色和黑色相間的,因?yàn)樗仨毜脦Ыo人一種陰險的狠毒。另外,她的衣服還必須得具備一種厚重的感覺,暗示著她對周圍世界那種巨大、黑暗的影響力。”與拉米亞形成鮮明對照的,是“流星”伊凡娜的出場,謝爾登給她設(shè)計(jì)了一身像空氣一樣輕盈的衣服,有一種不真實(shí)的虛幻感。謝爾登接著說:“給伊凡娜打扮就稍微困難點(diǎn)兒,因?yàn)樗皇侨祟悾阅悴粫肟吹剿┥夏欠N傳統(tǒng)的衣服。最終,我們使用了一種有金屬質(zhì)感的布料,這樣伊凡娜看起來就好像真的有在大氣層燃燒后的熔化感。她身上衣服實(shí)際上是一種絲綢,這樣當(dāng)伊凡娜的扮演者克萊爾·丹尼斯穿上它走進(jìn)來的時候,還會隨風(fēng)輕快的飄動。”??   另外,伊凡娜還有一套鐵藍(lán)色的長袍,是莎士比亞船長給她的,薩米·謝爾登解釋說:“之所以會選擇藍(lán)色,是因?yàn)槲覀冇X得如果伊凡娜面對一排衣服時,她肯定會被那種與天空擁有一樣顏色的華服所吸引,這套衣服讓她更有人類的感覺,不再虛無縹緲。”??   至于莎士比亞船長,薩米·謝爾登特別讓他有別于那種海盜專有的污穢邋遢的流氓形象,傳遞出的是一種完全相反的角色特征。另外,謝爾登還包攬了其他海盜的服裝設(shè)計(jì),她表示:“當(dāng)然,這里的海盜不會穿戴任何金屬物件,同時我們還讓他們穿上了類似于長統(tǒng)膠靴和橡皮手套似的東西,只有這樣,他們看起來才不會像罪犯。”而來自“暴風(fēng)之所”的王子們,則是7個以自我為中心的自大狂,謝爾登在他們那非常個人化的特色服裝里結(jié)合了許多有趣的點(diǎn)綴,在細(xì)節(jié)中突出個性。當(dāng)然,通常王族應(yīng)該具備的那種沉靜的高貴氣質(zhì),在他們身上是看不到的。導(dǎo)演馬修·沃恩希望幾位王子的裝扮可以讓人想起牛仔,謝爾登說:“所以我們給王子們的衣服弄出了一種恃強(qiáng)凌弱加色迷迷的感覺。”??   到了影片的主角特里斯坦·索恩,就要復(fù)雜得多了,他身上的衣服的轉(zhuǎn)變,也代表著他的成長之路。最開始的時候,他的穿著非常傳統(tǒng),就是維多利亞時代的典型風(fēng)格,略顯笨拙。隨著特里斯坦在“暴風(fēng)之所”的歷險之路的展開,他的裝扮越來越活潑,代表著一種思想、觀念潛移默化的改變。將特里斯坦的角色個性結(jié)合進(jìn)衣服,對于馬修·沃恩和薩米·謝爾登來說都是非常重要的,謝爾登表示:“他會成長為一個真正的男人,變得越來越性感、越來越強(qiáng)壯,與在村莊時相比判若兩人……反正他會越變越瀟灑就對了。”??


  • Bishop: [toasting the princes] To the new King of Stormhold. Whichever of you fine fellows it might be. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [they acknowledge him and sip their grog. The Bishop chokes and collapses forward, dead] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tertius: Hmm. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Tertius chortles nervously as they eye each other suspiciously; his eyes suddenly open wide; he chokes and falls forward, dead] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: [to Primus] You! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Septimus clutches his throat and chokes, falling backward onto floor; Primus smiles, incredulous, picks up the crown as if to put it on his head] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: [suddenly breaking into laughter] You really thought that you were king? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Primus: *You* killed the bishop. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: No, Primus, I think you'll find that *you* killed the bishop by drinking out of the wrong cup! Oh look... when you finish wrestling with your conscience, may I suggest you return to your chamber. Leave the quest for the stone to me. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [first lines] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Narrator: A philosopher once asked, "Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?" Pointless, really... 擠o the stars gaze back?" Now *that's* a question. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [the pirates have just discovered Captain Shakespeare in drag] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Skinny Pirate: What's the problem? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: It's my reputation. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Skinny Pirate: No. No. Don't be silly. Nonsense. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Old Pirate: It's all right, Captain. We always knew you were a whoopsie. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Secundus: [as he overlooks the balcony] I see the kingdom, father. The whole of Stormhold. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • King: And... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Secundus: *My* kingdom? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • King: Maybe... Look up. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Secundus looks up to the sky. The king looks to Septimus. Septimus smiles and pushes Secundus off the balcony. The King laughs uproariously] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [repeated line] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: What do stars do? They shine. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: You know you sort of - glitter sometimes. I've just noticed it. Is it... Is it normal? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: Let's see if you can work it out for yourself. What do stars do? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Hmm... Attract trouble? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Yvaine pushes him, amused] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: [grinning] All right, I'm sorry. Let me... Do I get another guess? Is it: Do they know exactly how to annoy a boy called Tristran Thorn? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Guard: [at the wall] I'm charged with guarding the portal to another world, and you're asking me to just let you through! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Young Dunstan Thorn: Yes. Because, let's be honest, it's a field. Look, 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [pointing to the field at the other side of the wall] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Young Dunstan Thorn: do you see another world out there? No, you see a field. Do you see anything non-human? No. And you know why? Because it's a field! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Guard: Hundreds of years this wall's been here. Hundreds of years this gap's been under a twenty-four-hour guard. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Young Dunstan Thorn: Well... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [the guard interrupts him] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Guard: One more word, and I'll have you up in front of the village council! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Young Dunstan Thorn: Well that... that sounds rather final... I suppose I'd better just go home then... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Guard: Right then. Night, Dunstan. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Dunstan begins to walk away] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Guard: Give my best to your father. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Suddenly Dunstan turns around and runs and crosses the wall] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Guard: Stop! Stop! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Dunstan keeps running] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Tristan and Yvaine are imprisoned in the pirate ship] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: Tell me about Victoria, then. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Well, she... she... There's nothing more to tell you. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: The little I know about love is that it's unconditional. It's not something you can buy. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Hang on! This wasn't about me buying her love. This was a way for me to prove to her how I felt. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: Ah... And what's she doing to prove how she feels about you? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Well... Look, Yvaine, you'll understand when you meet her, all right? If we don't get murdered by pirates first. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: Mmm... Murdered by pirates. Heart torn out and eaten. Meet Victoria. I can't quite decide which sounds more fun... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [knocks at Dunstan's door. Dunstan opens it] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Guard: This was left at the wall for you. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [gives to Dunstan a basket which contains a baby] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Guard: Says here his name is Tristan. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: [practicing in front of a mirror] Father I lost my job. Father, I... I lost my job, I'm sorry. Father... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Dunstan Thorn: [behind him, completing his sentence] You lost your job. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Guard: Dunstan Thorn, not again! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: It's Tristan, actually. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Guard: Oh. You do look a bit like your father. And I suppose you intend to cross the wall as well, do you? Well you can forget it - go home! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Cross the wall as well as who? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Guard: No one. Nobody. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Tristan walks to cross the wall] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Guard: Nobody crosses the wall! You know that! Everybody knows that. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: You know, I know. I understand. Nobody. Well I better head for the old homestead, then. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Guard: Good night, then. Good night, Tristan. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Good night. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Tristan begins to walk away] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Guard: Give my best to your father. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Tristan turns around and runs to cross the wall like Dunstan had done but the guard stops him and begins to hit him with his wooden cudgel. Tristan ends up on the ground] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Guard: [casually] Off you go. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Lamia: Limbus grass! You dare to steal truth from my lips by feeding me Limbus grass! Do you have any idea what a big mistake you've made, Ditchwater Sal. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Ditchwater Sal: [scared] How do you know my... Who are you? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Lamia: Look again. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Lamia shows her true identity] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Ditchwater Sal: [kneeling before Lamia] I shall not seek the star, Your Dark Majesty. I swear. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Lamia: Seek all you wish. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Lamia: [casting a spell] You shall not see the star, touch it, smell or hear it. You will not perceive her even if she stands before you. Pray you never meet me again, Ditchwater Sal. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Voice of the stars: [to Tristan as he's sleeping, causing him to see it] Tristan. Tristan. Yvaine is in grave danger. A unicorn came to help her, but now they're heading into a trap. No star is safe in Stormhold. The last one fell 400 years ago and was captured by the same witches who seek Yvaine now. They tricked her, cared for her, and when her heart was once more aglow they cut it from her chest and ate it. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [he jerks awake] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Voice of the stars: There's no time to waste. A coach is coming. By any means possible you must get on it. Run! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Tristan is on the ground and Primus has his sword at his throat] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Primus: If Septimus insists on sending a boy to do a man's job... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: No! Please, I don't know Septimus. I just need a lift. Look at me, I'm unarmed. Please. Please, let me ride with you. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Primus returns to his carriage and Tristan stands up and follows him] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Primus: I'm afraid that's impossible. I'm on a quest of enormous importance. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Gets on the carriage] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: All the better reason to take me with you. Maybe you'll need a second pair of hands. Sir, please. Maybe Providence sent me to you as it sent you to me. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Primus: Get on. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [a girl gives a cup to Tristan as he is stabling Primus's horses] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Thank you. That's so kind. My name's Tristan. What's yours? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Girl Bernard: [in his own voice] Bernard. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Tristan and Yvaine are imprisoned in the pirate ship] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: They're going to kill us, aren't they? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: I don't know. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: You know, it's funny. I used to watch... I used to watch people having adventures. I envied them. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: You ever heard the expression "Be careful of what you wish for"? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: What, so ending up with my heart cut out - that will serve me right? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: No, I didn't mean it like that. Look, I admire you dreaming. A shop boy like me... I could never have imagined an adventure this big in order to wish for it. I just thought I'd find some lump of celestial rock, take it home and that would be it. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: And you got me. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [they both begin to laugh] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: If there's one thing I've learned about all my years watching Earth, is that people aren't what they may seem. There are shop boys, and there are boys who just happen to work in a shop for the time being. And trust me Tristan, you're no shop boy. You saved my life. Thank you. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Yvaine takes Tristan's hand] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: [to Captain Shakespeare] I can't believe your crew fell for that. And where in God's name did you get that mannequin? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Tristan crash-lands on top of Yvaine] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Mother? Oh! Oh, Mother. I'm so sorry. Are you all right? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: No, I'm not and I'm not your mother. So get off me! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: You're not my mother? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: Do I *look* like I'm your mother? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: No, sorry. Are you all right? Do you want some help? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: You can help by leaving me alone! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: All right... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [he begins to walk away, talking to himself] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Oh my God! "Light the candle and think of me". I was, I was thinking of my mo... but then Victoria and the star just popped... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: [to Yvaine] Oh, excuse me, madam, sorry, this may see strange but, have you seen a fallen star anywhere? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [she laughs bitterly] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: You're funny. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: No, really. We're in a crater, this must be where it fell. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: [sarcastically] Yeah, this where it fell. It is, or if you want to be really specific, up there 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [pointing to the sky] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: is where this weird bloody necklace 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [she shows him the necklace around her neck] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: came out of nowhere and knocked it out of the heavens where it was minding its own business. And over there is where it landed. And right here, *this* is where it got hit by a magical flying MORON! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: *You're* the star? You're the star? Really? Oh, wow! I'm sorry, I had no idea you'd be a... Oh, I, may I just say in advance that I'm sorry. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: Sorry for what? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: For this. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Tristan takes out the enchanted chain and ties it around Yvaine's wrist] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Now, if I'm not mistaken this means you have to come with me. You're going to be a birthday gift for Victoria, my true love. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: [sarcastically] But of course! Nothing says "romance" like the gift of a kidnapped injured woman! I'm not going anywhere with you! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Yvaine is having a bath and Tristan surprises her] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Excuse me. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: [surprised] Oh! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: I think you're in my bath. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: Close your eyes! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: [turns around and laughs] Honestly I'm not looking. Here, I'll turn away. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [he laughs] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: [with a towel on] Right, you can open them now. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Did you really mean what you said in the caravan? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: What I...? But... You were a mouse! You were a mouse... you wanted cheese! You didn't... I asked you to give me a sign! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: And risk you being too embarrassed to keep saying such lovely things? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [he kisses her forehead] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: You want to know what the Captain really whispered to me that day? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Yvaine nods] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: He told me that my true love... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Yvaine begins to glow] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: ...was right in front of my eyes. And he was right. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [they kiss] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: [whispers] Yvaine... I know what you are. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Yvaine starts] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: Have no fear, no-one on this vessel will harm you, but there are plenty who would... Your emotions give you away, Yvaine. You must learn to control them. You've been glowing more brightly every day and I think you know why. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: Of course I know why I'm glowing. I'm a star! And what the stars do best? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: Well, certainly not the waltz. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Tristan approaches to dance with Yvaine. When they start to dance, Yvaine begins to glow. While they dance, they stop] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Now try. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: OK. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [he dances pretty well with her] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: See? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: Very good. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [they keep dancing] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: [briefing his men] Now remember Captain Shakespeare has a fearsome reputation. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [scenes of Captain Shakespeare painting a heart on his face and then dancing to the Can Can, dressed in a frock and a feather boa] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: [seeing the Captain in drag] What the hell is this? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: You know when I said I knew little about love? That wasn't true. I know a lot about love. I've seen it, centuries and centuries of it, and it was the only thing that made watching your world bearable. All those wars. Pain, lies, hate... It made me want to turn away and never look down again. But when I see the way that mankind loves... You could search to the furthest reaches of the universe and never find anything more beautiful. So yes, I know that love is unconditional. But I also know that it can be unpredictable, unexpected, uncontrollable, unbearable and strangely easy to mistake for loathing, and... What I'm trying to say, Tristan is... I think I love you. Is this love, Tristan? I never imagined I'd know it for myself. My heart... It feels like my chest can barely contain it. Like it's trying to escape because it doesn't belong to me any more. It belongs to you. And if you wanted it, I'd wish for nothing in exchange - no gifts. No goods. No demonstrations of devotion. Nothing but knowing you loved me too. Just your heart, in exchange for mine. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Septimus walks towards the sea-shore] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Lackey: Your Highness, the soothsayer, as you requested. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: [to the soothsayer] South you said. South we went. Still no stone. Do you now propose we start swimming? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Soothsayer: Sire, I've merely relayed to you what the runes have told me. I can do no more. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: Well, consult them again. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [the soothsayer is about to do so when Septimus halts him] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: Wait! Before we seek the stone... I have another question: Am I the seventh son? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [the soothsayer throws the runes and reads them after they fall with three joined together and one leaning away, with the runic symbols uppermost] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Soothsayer: Yes. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: Another question. Is my favourite colour blue? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [the soothsayer throws the runes once more and reads them] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Soothsayer: Yes. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: Has excessive begging or pleading ever persuaded me to spare the life of a traitor? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [the soothsayer nervously throws the runes and is afraid when they turn over scattered away from each other, with the blank side uppermost] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Soothsayer: Um... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: What does that mean? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Soothsayer: That means "no". 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: Good! Throw them again. This time throw them high. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [the soothsayer throws the runes high in the air] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: [while the runes are mid-air] Do you work for my brother? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [the runes come down and read "yes". Septimus removes his dagger and kills the soothsayer] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Tristan is dazed just after returning to human form] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Victoria! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: I think I preferred "Mother". 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: Are you tempted? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Tempted, by what? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: Immortality. Let's say it wasn't *my* heart. Not me. Just a star you didn't know. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: You seriously think I could kill anyone? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Yvaine giggles] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: I mean, even if I could... Everlasting life? I imagine it would be kind of lonely. Well, maybe if you had someone to share it with. Someone you loved. Then it might be different. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [outside the witches' castle] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: [as he holds a sword to Tristan's throat] Who are you? What business do you have here? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: [he sees the number 7 mark on Septimus' hand] Septimus... I knew your brother, Primus. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: Unless you wish to meet him in the afterlife, I suggest you answer my question. What are you doing here? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: I might ask you the same thing! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Septimus realises that Tristan is holding a blade to his gut] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: Ah... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [they both lower their weapons and peer through the window] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: There are four of them. Do as I say and we may stand a chance. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Wait! How do I know you can be trusted? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: You don't. Why? Do you have a choice? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: No. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Septimus: Well then, let's go. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [last lines] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Narrator: They ruled for 80 years. But no man can live forever, except he who possesses the heart of a star, and Yvaine had given hers to Tristan completely. When their children and grandchildren were grown, it was time to light the Babylon Candle. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [there is a flash of light from inside the royal quarters, the camera then pans up to the sky where two brighter stars have appeared] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Narrator: And they still live happily ever after. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [to Ditchwater Sal after she has turned Tristan into a mouse] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: Would I be correct in thinking that you can neither see nor hear me? Then I'd like to tell you that you smell of pee. You look like the wrong end of a dog. And I swear, if I don't get my Tristan back as he was, I'll be your personal poltergeist! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: And, Yvaine, I have some lovely dresses; take your pick. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: [surprised] I'm fine. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: [quietly] Honey... you're wearing a bathrobe. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Lamia is about to cut out Yvaine's heart] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Yvaine, hold me tight and think of home. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Tristan lights his Babylon candle. They escape, but end up on a cloud in the middle of nowhere] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: What the hell did you do? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: What did *I* do? What did *you* do? "Think of home"? That was a GREAT plan! You thought of your home and I thought of mine and now we're halfway between the two! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Well you stupid cow! What did you think of your home for? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: You just said "home"! If you'd wanted me to think of *your* home you should have said! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Some crazy lady was going to cut your heart out and you wanted more specific instructions? Perhaps you'd want it in writing - or a diagram, maybe? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Primus: [speaking of his father] There was not a horse or beast he could not master. So much so that in his youth, he took to riding a camel... which was comical. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Don't you ever sleep? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: Not at night. May have escaped your notice, genius, but that's when the stars have rather better things to do. They're coming out, shining, that sort of thing. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Yeah, well, it may have escaped yours, but you're not in the sky anymore. Coming out is off the agenda. Shining has been suspended until further notice. Oh, and sleeping during the day is O-U-T. Unless you have some magical ability to sleep while you're walking. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: Have you not got it into your thick head yet? I'm not walking anywhere! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: I find the fastest way to travel is by candlelight. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [showing the candle] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: You've got a Babylon candle. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Yeah, I have a bubbling candle. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: A *Babylon* candle. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: That's what I said. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Yvaine: You said "bubbling". 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Tristan and Victoria are sipping champagne under the stars] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Victoria: Do you know, Humphrey's going all the way to Ipswich to buy me a ring. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Ipswich? Victoria I'm talking about London or Paris or... A ring? Why is he... What kind of a ring? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Victoria: The word is he's planning to propose to me on my birthday. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: [crestfallen] He's going to... And you're gonna say yes? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Victoria: [laughs] Well I can't exactly say no after he's gone all the way to Ipswich. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: "All the way to Ipswich"? Victoria, for your hand in marriage, I'd cross oceans or continents. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Victoria: Really? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Yes. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Victoria giggles] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Victoria, for your hand in marriage, I would go to the gold fields of San Francisco and bring you back your weight in gold. I'd go to Africa and bring you back a diamond as big as your fist. Or I'd go to the Arctic and I'd slaughter a polar bear and bring you back its head. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Victoria has been moving closer, about to kiss him, but suddenly she recoils] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Victoria: [disgusted] A polar bear's head? Ugh! You're funny, Tristan. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [they look up into the sky] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Victoria: Oh, Tristan! A shooting star. Beautiful. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: More beautiful than a fancy ring from Ipswich? Victoria, for your hand in marriage, I'd cross the wall and bring you back that fallen star. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Victoria: You can't cross the wall. Nobody crosses the wall. Now you're just being silly. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: I'm not being silly. I'd do it. For you, I'd do anything. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Victoria: [thinking] Hmmm. My very own star. It seems we have ourselves an agreement. You have exactly one week or I'm marrying Humphrey. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Secundus has just been murdered and has become a ghost, joining his other dead brothers] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Secundus: [trying to laugh off his brothers' frosty stares] Oh, please, you're not annoyed at that whole murder thing, are you? I mean, that was ten years ago. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Quartus: Great deal of good it did you, killing me, Secundus. Because now, of course, you're King of all Stormhold. Oh sorry, wait, no you're not - you're dead! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Tristan goes to see Victoria on her birthday] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: I've found the star. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Victoria: I can't believe you did it. Where's my star? Can I see it? Is it beautiful? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Yes. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Tristan reaches into his pocket and pulls out a lock of Yvaine's hair, wrapped in paper. He gives it to Victoria] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Victoria: Well, it's awfully small. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Well, that's just a little piece - a token for your birthday. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Victoria: Well... Well, then forget about the star. It's not the star that I want. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [she puts her arms around him] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Victoria: [seductively] You know what I want. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [they are about to kiss but he pulls away from her] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Yeah, I do. You want to grow up and get over yourself. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Victoria: [indignantly] Well! Oh! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Humphrey appears around the corner] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Humphrey! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Humphrey: Thorn. You must have a death wish. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Humphrey pulls out a small sword. Tristan pulls out a much bigger one and brandishes it menacingly] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Humphrey: [backing down] Ah... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: Humphrey. Humphrey, it's all right. She's all yours. You really are a perfect couple. The best of luck to you both. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Victoria looks inside the paper package that Tristan has given her] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Victoria: [ungratefully] Why would I want this? It's just a measly handful of stardust. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Lamia: You'd better be telling the truth, you two-faced dog. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Ferdy the Fence: I can get you one of them, actually. Very good guard dogs. They can watch the back and the front door at the same time. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Captain Shakespeare is selling a box containing bolts of lightning] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: So! Name your best price. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Ferdy the Fence: For 10,000 bolts? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: 10,000 bolts of finest quality grade-A. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Ferdy the Fence: Yeah, but it's difficult to shift, isn't it? Difficult to store. If I get the revenue man in here sniffing around. Uhmmm... Best price? 150 Guineas. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: [to his crew] Gentlemen, put the merchandise back on board and prepare to sail. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Ferdy the Fence: Whoa, whoa! Hold on. Hold on. One minute, Cuddles. 160? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: Seeing as I'm feeling particularly generous today, I'll settle for 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Ferdy the Fence: 200? Okay, you're having a laugh. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Ferdy laughs] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Ferdy the Fence: Have you had your head in that? Has he been staying up where the air's too thin? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: [darkly] You're being very rude. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Ferdy the Fence: Not any more. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Ferdy the Fence: 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Ferdy the Fence: That's not negotiation! I'm changing my number! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: Did I hear 200? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Ferdy the Fence: From you, you did. Yeah. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: You said 200? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Ferdy the Fence: If I did, you're a ventriloquist. Okay, Final offer. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: 195 it is. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [they shake hands to seal the deal] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Captain Shakespeare: So, with sales tax, that's... let's see... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Ferdy the Fence: [resignedly] Brilliant. Put it in the back. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Dunstan walks round the market at Stormhold. He sees a beautiful lady and stares at her. An older woman talks to him] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Ditchwater Sal: [to Dunstan] I don't deal with time wasters. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Ditchwater Sal: [to her slave girl] Get over here and tend this stall. I'm off to "The Slaughtered Prince" for a pint. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Ditchwater Sal walks away and the slave girl approach Dunstan] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Slave Girl: See anything you like? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Young Dunstan Thorn: [seeing her] Umm... Definitely. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [the slave laughs] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Young Dunstan Thorn: I mean. What, wha-wha-what I meant was... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [he sees some flowers] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Young Dunstan Thorn: These ones, the blue ones. How-how much are they? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Slave Girl: They might be the colour of your hair. Or they might be all of your memories before you were three. I can check if you like. Anyway, you shouldn't buy the bluebells. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [she takes a white flower] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Slave Girl: Buy this one instead. Snowdrop. It'll bring you luck. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Young Dunstan Thorn: But what does that cost? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Slave Girl: This one 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [meaning the flower] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Slave Girl: costs a kiss. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [the slave girl places the flower in Dunstan's jacket. He is going to kiss her on her cheek, but she turns her mouth towards his. They kiss passionately] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Slave Girl: Is she gone? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [meaning Ditchwater Sal] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Slave Girl: Follow me. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [she walks to the caravan behind her and Dunstan follows her. He notices she has a chain tied round her ankle] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Slave Girl: I'm a princess. Tricked into being a witch's slave. Will you liberate me? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Dunstan cuts the chain, but it fastens itself again] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Slave Girl: It's an enchanted chain. I'll only be free when she dies. Sorry. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Young Dunstan Thorn: Well... If I can't liberate you. What do you want of me? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [she gives him her hand and they both climb into the caravan as the camera pans rapidly backwards and upwards] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [deleted scene] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: [while he and Victoria are drinking champagne] You know... an interesting fact, actually - the first champagne glass was molded on the left breast of Marie Antoinette. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Victoria stares at him, disgusted] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tristan: I don't know if there was something wrong... with her right one... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [deleted scene - the ghosts of Secundus, Quartus, and Sextus are standing in the crater next to an unconcious Yvaine] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Secundus: With all due respect to father, that window thing was a rotten trick! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Sextus: Excuse me? At least you had a chance! Quartus murdered me while I was asleep! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Quartus: How many times do I have to tell you? It was Septimus! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [the ghost of Tertius, recently poisoned, appears] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Quartus: [to Tertius] Don't speak - don't say a word! Let me guess; Septimus? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tertius: [nods] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Sextus: Poison? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tertius: [shrugs, then notices the stone lying next to Yvaine] The stone! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [tries to pick it up and fails] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tertius: I can touch it! I can feel it, I just can't *shift* it! It's like it's too heavy... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [looks up at his brothers, tearfully] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tertius: You look like a bunch of FREAKS! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Secundus: Hold on... there are five of us now! We could do it together! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Quintus: We *tried* it before - it didn't work! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Secundus: But Tertius wasn't here, there were only four of us! Come on! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [all of them gather around the stone and grab it, attempting to lift it - unbeknownst to them, Yvaine sits up] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tertius, Secundus, Quartus, Sextus, Quintus: Come on... yes, yes... come on! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [all groan and give up] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tertius, Secundus, Quartus, Sextus, Quintus: No... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Yvaine sees the stone and goes to pick it up] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tertius, Secundus, Quartus, Sextus, Quintus: No, no, no, no! No, no, no, no, no, no! N - 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [she picks it up] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tertius, Secundus, Quartus, Sextus, Quintus: Awww... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Yvaine fastens it around her neck] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Tertius, Secundus, Quartus, Sextus, Quintus: No! Nononononono! Please! Aw. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Quartus: [sighing] Well done, everyone. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [all of them sigh and collapse - Tertius lies down in Quintus' lap] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Quartus: No, you were right, though - it was definately better with five of us. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [beat] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Quartus: I mean, that's the closest we've come to actually *moving* anything! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • [Tertius, in Quintis' lap, looks irritated. Quintus looks down at him] 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
  • Quintus: [soothingly] Shhh... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
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