

  • Wendy: They were fast but I was faster / Paint these ghosts with a coat of plaster. Wendy: Casper? Voice of Casper: Yeah? Wendy: I know this is gonna sound really lame and all, but this has been the best day of my life! Voice of Casper: Me too! Well, except for the life part. Voice of Fatso: The only good fleshie is a scared fleshie! Voice of Casper: But why do you scare them? Voice of Fatso: 'Cause they can't scare back. Voice of Stinky: Uhh... except for witches. Voice of Casper: What's wrong with witches? Voice of Stretch: Wake up and smell the coffin! Witches are fleshies with power! Now go unpack the stuff, washcloth! Voice of Casper: Geez, louise, what a buncha grumps. [sadly floats out the door] Voice of Stretch: Ahh, this is the afterlife. Voice of Fatso: Zzzz... Voice of Casper: [comes back in through the door, shouts] Witches! The three guys: [yell] Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Wendy: If my aunts find out I'm friends with a ghost, they'll throw a witchy fit and I won't get to see you any more. Voice of Casper: And my uncles say no self-respecting ghost would talk to a nasty, snaggle-toothed, wart-ridden, hagged out... Wendy: Hey! Voice of Casper: Sorry. [Human Stinky sneezes all over a lady] Lady: Oh! You're disgusting! Human Stinky: Sorry, Lady. Didn't know... snot polite. The Oracle: Attention, please litsen, here is the latest: Desmond is now gone and wendy is the greatest! Geri: Her? She's the greatest witch? The Oracle: She has done something no other can boast; This little witch befriended a ghost. So Wendy is the greatest, it is her I select. Someday she'll be queen, so show some respect! Geri: Go Wendy! Gabby: We always knew you had it in you! Fanny: Yeah! Wendy for president! Voice of Casper: You're late. Wendy: My aunts locked me in! Ever crawl through a bathroom window? Voice of Casper: No knees, remember? [Wendy's aunts are mixing a potion] Geri: Did you put in enough belladonna? Gabby: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Speaking of belladonna, I one knew one. A Donna, that is. She had two kids, so I guess that makes her a MA-Donna! Get it? Madonna? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Geri: [glare] Gabby: Oh, all right. I'll shut up. [the trio has posessed three human guys and have noticed Wendy's aunts] Voice of Stretch: Maybe it's just this body, but those chicks look extra-crispy. Wendy: I have no freinds, none, and my family treats me like sludge. Voice of Casper: I hear that. Wendy: And then you come along and I finally feel like I'm somebody... But I'm supposed to hate you. It doesn't make any sence. But we still are friends, right? Voice of Casper: Wendy, friends doesn't even come close to describing how I feel. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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