
Rumpelstiltskin (1996)

  • 美國
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  • 奇幻  恐怖
  • 片       名Rumpelstiltskin
  • 上映時間1996年03月22日(美國)
  • 導       演 Mark Jones


  • Rumpelstiltskin: Just what I needed, another bad habit! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Rumpelstiltskin 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : I smell a baby... smells a lot like a baby named Johnny! Rumpelstiltskin: Don't get any blood on the baby! Rumpelstiltskin: Must have taken a great many blacksmiths to build that I imagine. Rumpelstiltskin: Fucketh me! [shelley opens her apartment door in order to escape Rumpelstiltskin only to find him standing out side of it] Rumpelstiltskin: I've come to claim my prize! EEE. Rumpelstiltskin: [after he removes a broom handle that Shelley rammed down his throat] Thy future is harsh on thy throat. Rumpelstiltskin: [to a motorcyclist] I want your steed. Rumpelstiltskin: I only want the baby, John. Rumpelstiltskin: [riding on a motorcycle and wearing sun glasses] Uncle Rumples' comin'! Rumpelstiltskin: Took care of that bitch! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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