
別往角落看 (1973)

  • 美國
  • |
  • 恐怖
  • 片       名別往角落看
  • 導       演 S.F. Brown...


  • [Ray is fixing the asylum's telephone] Allyson King: You know, I used to live in this place where the phone man was always coming around. Ray Daniels: That bad, huh? Allyson King: Uh uh... that good. Ray Daniels: Oh, I thought that you meant that you'd had a lot of phone trouble. Allyson King: Hell, I didn't even have a phone! Allyson King: You're all alike. Danny... Jaffee... ALL of you! HYPOCRITES! And you, trying to be so damn pure. Get out! GET OUT! Mrs. Callingham: Up the airy mountain, down the rushy glen, we dare not go a hunting, for fear of little men! [repeated line] Judge Oliver W. Cameron: My name is... Oliver... W... Cameron. Juror's consult. Abjudicator of the court of appeals. Doctor of jurisprudence. Nurse Charlotte Beale: Do you get out much, Mrs. Callingham? Mrs. Callingham: You're the one who needs to get out! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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