
The Trollenberg Terror (1958)

  • 英國
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  • 恐怖  科幻
The Trollenberg Terror
  • 片       名The Trollenberg...
  • 上映時間1958年10月07日(英國)
  • 導       演 Quentin La...


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  • [in the observatory room, looking out the panorama window] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Prof. Crevett: [spoken with German accent] Well, Alan. For the first time in weeks, the Trollenberg is free from clouds. Alan Brooks: Yes - and let's hope it stays that way. First Student Climber: You idiot! We nearly had him. Why did you let him go? Second Student Climber: Didn't you see? First Student Climber: What are you talking about? Second Student Climber: His head! It was torn off! Prof. Crevett: And then dere is da cloud. Alan Brooks: What cloud? Prof. Crevett: Come on, Alan, you know what I'm talking about. Da cloud where there should be no cloud. Alan Brooks: Where there are mountains, there are always clouds. Prof. Crevett: But dis one remains static. On da side of da Trollenberg it never moves. Alan Brooks: A freak of nature. Prof. Crevett: A *radioactive* freak of nature? Sarah Pilgrim: *Was* there an accident, Mister Klein? Mayor Klein: O-On a mountain, uh, dese things sometimes happen. Philip Truscott: Keep an eye on your roping, won't you. Brett: Why roping, particularly? Philip Truscott: Uh, student business last week. Dewhurst: That's right. Nasty business. Very nasty. Philip Truscott: How 'bout a breath of fresh air? Anne Pilgrim: I'd love a breath of fresh air. Jim: Hey! Wait a minute. There's someone coming. Second Student Climber: [sarcastically] Who is it, Jim, the Abominable Snowman? Jim: I tell you there's someone coming. I can't see a thing. Who is it? Who is it? Who - ? No! Ugh-egh. No...! [Jim falls over the cliff edge] Jim: Hey! Wait a minute. There's someome coming. Second Student Climber: [sarcastically] Who is it, Jim, the Abominable Snowman? Jim: I tell you there's someone coming. I can't see a thing. Who is it? Who is it? Who - ? No! Ugh-egh. No...! [Jim falls over the cliff edge] Prof. Crevett: Da cloud has moved. It is at da foot of da South Col. Where da hut is. Philip Truscott: Cute little things, aren't they? Alan Brooks: Yeah. I'm gonna throw a bomb at that one. You watch on the screen, see what happens. Prof. Crevett: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • D'you see? Television cameras on da roof. We watch *everywhere*. You know, da government - da government, they say to me, "Professor, do you have to have such *expensive* things? Windows are much cheaper!" And I say I have to have, and I *have*! Dat over there, dat is the *only* window. And even for *dat*, we have *protection*. Look. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • [activates electric window cover] Prof. Crevett: Dat will stand up to *any* avalanche. Uh, dat too was very expensive. All this to study cosmic rays, huh? Alan Brooks: Looks like you're goin' for a climb. Dewhurst: Yes, we're going up the Trollenberg. Gonna have a noggin before we start. Care to join us? Alan Brooks: All right. Dewhurst: What's it goin' to be? Alan Brooks: Scotch, please. Dewhurst: Scotch and the two brandies. Better give me a bottle of brandy to take with us. Keep the cold out tonight. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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