
Babes in Toyland (1986)

  • 美國
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  • 冒險  家庭  奇幻
  • 片       名Babes in Toylan...
  • 上映時間1986年12月19日(美國)
  • 導       演 Clive Donn...


  • Toymaster: Lisa, listen to me. I'm not the one who can save Toyland. You are, only you. Lisa Piper: But what do I have to do? Toymaster: Believe in Toyland, and all that it stands for. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Toymaster 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : Do you want to believe, Lisa? Lisa Piper: Yes, I do. More than anything. I always wanted to be a kid, I always wanted to play with toys. I believe in all of you, and I am still just a kid. I really am. Justice Grimm: Dear friends and neighbors, as Justice of the Peace of Toyland, it falls within my power to join this handsome couple... [looks at Barnaby] Justice Grimm: Well, anyway, this couple, in matrimony. Mrs. Piper: [reading from notes] Why don't you keep your business out of other people's noses? I think I wrote that down wrong, but you know what I mean. Barnaby: This is a very painful moment for me. My own nephew, a criminal! I'll be down to file formal charges in about three minutes. Georgie Porgie: It's terrible. I'm going to a wedding. Passerby #1: There's a monster in Barnaby's wedding cake! Passerby #2: He won't be pleased with that. Jack: What do you say to a big kiss? Mary Contrary: Hello, big kiss. Jack Nimble: Over my dead body! Barnaby: If necessary. Jack Nimble: Everything Lisa warned us about you is true! Barnaby: Oh, I hope so. Jack Nimble: He's got trolls! Hundreds of trolls, who ate all the cookies! Justice Grimm: Do you take the breathtaking Mary to be your beautiful, loving wife from this moment on, to love and be unbelievably kind to, to share the joys of Toyland and all your hopes and dreams with, forever and a day? Jack: It's not long enough, but I do. Barnaby: Jack not be Nimble. Jack be DEAD. Lisa Piper: How could you wish evil on the most wonderful place that every existed? You're insane. Barnaby: Well, yes! Mrs. Piper: I never did like that Barnaby. Would you like to come by my shoe for dinner sometime? Justice Grimm: Delighted. Jack: You look so beautiful. Mary: For you. [Barnaby poisons everyone with gas] Lisa Piper: Nothing's happening to me. I guess I'm immune 'cause I'm from Cincinnati. Toymaster: The struggle between good and evil goes on inside of everyone. Barnaby: For an evil person, I'm really very well organized, don't you think? Toymaster: Barnaby, what is it exactly that you want? Didn't Santa bring you enough toys last Christmas? Toymaster: I think we'll take the Milky Way, all the way. Barnaby: I'll smash the smiles off their faces, I'll kick the giggles out of their hearts. No more being - subtle! Lisa Piper: I was in this town filled with talking toys and Mother Goose people, and horrible monsters tried to eat me alive! Mrs. Piper: Well, of course they did, honey. Oh, that reminds me, I must call the pest control people. Georgie Porgie: See that house on the hill? The bowling ball? That's Barnaby's house. Sometimes, when he gets really angry, he rolls his house right down the street and knocks people over like they're nine-pins. Lisa Piper: Geez, this guy sounds really weird. Jack: I come from... Jack, Lisa Piper, George, Mary: [singing] C-I-N-C-I-N-N-A-T-I, Cincinnati! The best town in O-H-I-O, Ohio, USA! At first they called it Cincy, but since Cincy is so natty, they named it Cincinnati, so they say. Hey, the girls are really pretty in this pretty little city, the fellas are the feistiest I've seen. And when it comes to ball teams, the Reds and Bengals maul teams, they knock the socks off all the other teams. I mean to argue's indefensible, the facts are common sensible, Cincy is invincible, know what I mean? Cincy's more than merely natty, she's Ohio's Maserati, Cincinnati's at the center of the scene! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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