
Manga Latina: Killer on the Loose (2006)

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Manga Latina: Killer on the Loose
  • 片       名Manga Latina: K...
  • 上映時間2006年04月28日(美國)
  • 導       演 Henrique V...


  • Victor La Cruz: [opening lines] My name is Víctor La Cruz. This is my Barrio. And this is the story of a music dude, an ugly piñata maker, and a killer on the loose. El CHucho, El Piñatero: Another maldita sleepless night! Victor La Cruz: You know I never get a break. The President: If you're with us, it is our duty to protect you. If not, THE KILLER WILL GET YOU. God bless America! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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