
A Little Princess (1987)

  • 英國
A Little Princess
  • 片       名A Little Prince...
  • 上映時間1987年02月21日(美國)
  • 導       演 Carol Wise...
  • 又       名A Little Princess
  • 編       劇 Frances Ho...


  • Miss Minchin: Aren't you going to thank me? Sara Crewe: Thank you? Miss Minchin: For my kindness in giving you a home! Sara Crewe: No, Miss Minchin, you are not kind. And this is not a home. Miss Minchin: Rebecca, you forget yourself! It is not your place to smile at my young ladies! Sara Crewe: Please Miss Minchin, may Becky stay? Miss Minchin: Why, Sara dear? Sara Crewe: Because I know she'd enjoy it. After all, she's a young girl, too. Miss Minchin: She most certainly is not, she's a scullery maid! Miss Minchin: Beg Miss Lavina's pardon. Sara Crewe: No I won't beg her pardon because it was her fault! Miss Minchin: Beg her pardon! [Sara bites her lip] Miss Minchin: Don't laugh at me you insolent child! [slaps Sara] Miss Amelia: Mirah! Sara Crewe: I wasn't laughing, I was thinking. Miss Minchin: What? Sara Crewe: I was thinking it would be a surpise if I turned out to be a princess after all. Wouldn't it? Cook: Didn't they teach you the Bible in India? "To them that hath not shall be taken away." *You* hath not the parsley, therefore I'm taking away your supper. Cook: Books! What does a skivvy want with books? They don't teach you how to scrub floors do they? Miss Minchin: I admit I never *liked* the girl. Miss Amelia: Because she could see through you, that's why! She knew you for what you are, a pity-less, hard-hearted woman who cares for nothing but money! Miss Minchin: How dare you Amelia! Without my care for *money* as you put it, you would still be a frumpish nursemaid in... Miss Amelia: I would rather be a *frumpish nursemaid* than accept your values a moment longer! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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