
電影網>明星資料館>Eric Lawson



Totally Baked: A Pot-U-Mentary

劇情: "It\'s hysterical and informative at the same time", John Merriman from the Austin Film Festival. "Cult Classic!" Says Dale Dudley of KLBJ in Au...



劇情: The Cold War has ended, and the Russian government has decided get rid of a deadly bioweapon sample by returning it to the United States, from whom it had been ...



劇情: 劇情簡介動物的力量是不容忽視的,劇中的「大主角」-大蟒蛇便是一例。一次不當且充滿野心的動物實驗后,大蟒蛇并悄悄地來到這個世界。它悄悄地劃地為王,逐一吞食菲爾摩小鎮的居民。居民恐慌、害怕、不知所措……片中充滿了對自然萬物的種種省思,也將為您展現人性的貪婪、善良及求生存奮門的力量!全劇雖以大蟒蛇為主角,但片中將帶給您更多耐...

The Prophet

劇情: A federal agent who has the ability to see into the future (as a result of a secret experiment that was conducted on him when he was a child) is ordered to find...


劇情: 最激動人心的海底巨作美國海軍醫藥官員杰克富勒奉命到一艘俄羅斯潛艇作善意訪問。但是當他和他的同伴李特斯旺到潛艇之后,他們遭遇了一群恐怖分子,他們企圖占領這艘潛艇并以武器威脅杰克他們……究竟杰克他們能否戰勝恐怖分子呢?US Navy medical officer Jake Fuller is detailed for a...

Invisible Mom II

劇情: A young orphan is adopted into a somewhat bizarre family, primarily due to the fact that his new mom can become invisible. When the child\'s cousins show up to ...


When Time Expires

劇情: The disgraced time trouble-shooter Travis Beck (Richard Grieco) now works for the boring, less glamorous bureau of time statistics and calibration. He is sent b...

"Soldier of Fortune, Inc."

劇情: 美國 1997-09-22  1997|瑞典 1998-01-27  1998|加拿大 1998-09-26  1998|羅馬尼亞 1999-01-21  1999|以色列 2000-03-...


劇情: 功夫明星邁克爾.杜迪科夫主演的西部動作片,背景是一個目無法紀的小鎮,當地的土霸王以武力控制全鎮為所欲為,居民均盼望能出現一名英雄來收拾他。此時,新警長麥可.艾達頓到任,竟然敢對惡霸不假詞色,跟他下面挑戰。惡霸打探警長的來頭,發現他以前原來是一位著名的槍手。本片是典型的商業片,導演弗雷.奧倫.雷處理手法尚算流暢,可惜對男...



劇情: In the 1400\'s, Rumpelstiltskin is imprisoned inside a small jade figurine. In modern-day Los Angeles, the recently widowed wife of a police officer, with baby ...

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