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電影網>明星資料館>Murray Smith



Extremely Dangerous

劇情: 瑞典 2005-08-18  2005|英國 1999-11-11  1999


Pride and Extreme Prejudice

劇情: A West German secret service officer is also on the payroll of the British MI6. When the CIA had to obtain a highly important document from a KGB mole, he is se...

A Casualty of War

劇情: In response to American attacks on his personal headquarters, Libyan leader Muammar Ghaddafi seeks revenge. The America planes flew out of British bases, so Gha...

The Price of the Bride

劇情: After a KGB agent defects to the US, the CIA has the job of not only taking from him his dowry of information (ie. the price of the bride), but also making sure...


Just Another Secret

劇情: An American intelligence agent uncovers a plot to assassinate Soviet Premier Gorbachev just at the time when glasnost is coming into place. The Russian old-guar...


Cold War Killers

劇情: While draining a small lake to make room for a new housing development, a crew finds the wreckage of an old missing Cold War-era British Air Force bomber, with ...


Home Before Midnight

劇情: 英國 1979-10-18  1979


劇情: A group of people converge on a barren Arctic island. They have their reasons for being there but when a series of mysterious accidents and murders take place, ...

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