
電影網(wǎng)>明星資料館>Paolo Villaggio




劇情: Four waiters and a cook working at a seaside restaurant hate each other but still keep working together for lack of better opportunities. One day the old owner ...

Palla di neve

劇情: A dignified actor, Billy Bolla, nears retirement and keeps close watch on his pension book, kept in a sealed bottle. On a cruise among Greek islands, while he\'...


Io speriamo che me la cavo

劇情: Marco Sperelli is a teacher, he is divorced and he is sent to work in Corzano, a town near Naples. The first day of work he finds in the school only the school-...

Cari fottutissimi amici

劇情: Tuscany, August 1944: the Allies have just entered Florence, Italy is devasted by the war, and the people are hungry. \"Dieci\", who claims to have been a boxer...


Comiche, Le

劇情: Paolo: [as a woman\'s baby boy is peeing on him] Excuse me, ma\'am! What are you doing? Donna in spiaggia: Oh, come on! Babies\'s pee is like angels\' pee. W...

Fantozzi alla riscossa

劇情: Fantozzi oramai in pensione ma continua ad andare in ufficio dove viene additato come il tipico esempio di impiegato destinato a non fare carriera. Cerca il co...


劇情:   幻想喜劇《月亮之聲》是費(fèi)里尼的遺作,影片根據(jù)卡瓦左尼的小說《怪人們的月亮》改編。   人到中年卻仍保有一顆赤子之心的薩維尼拼命地想要傾聽月亮的聲音,但是他聽到的是一群偷窺男子的歡呼聲、驀地里配音的呻吟聲以及沙沙的臺(tái)風(fēng)聲。當(dāng)他爬上屋頂想要抓住月亮?xí)r,地面上一陣騷動(dòng)。最后月亮仍然平安無事地高掛天上,薩維尼對(duì)著月亮侃侃...

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