

  • 介       紹
    參與制作影片 搶錢兄弟之鲗魚食大鱷By hook and crook 血染紅塵Mega force from highland 天使特警Angel force 王先生招親Mr. Wong advertises for a wife 新肉山藏妲己Tan Kei in the Meat Hill (remake) 龍膽 鴛鴦福祿Love follows fortune 天涯客=Amanbeyond horizon 艷降Fatal seduction 警察也移民The immigrant policeman 薄荷咖啡Eclipse 火燒紅蓮寺(下集) 王先生騎正胭脂馬Mr Wong\'s adventures with the unruly girl 女金剛大戰獨眼龍 白天鵝White swan 黑海霸王花Brave young girls 神女會襄王Emperor Xiang and the goddess 射雕英雄傳Story of the vulture conqueror 虎將奪王妃The empress and I 第八才子花箋記 怪劍Witch sword 玉女情仇A woman\'s revenge 五兒哭墳 恩情深似海
    參與制作影片 搶錢兄弟之鲗魚食大鱷By hook and crook 血染紅塵Mega force from highland 天使特警Angel force 王先生招親Mr. Wong advertises for a wife 新肉山藏妲己Tan Kei in the Meat Hill (remake) 龍膽 鴛鴦福祿Love follows fortune 天涯客=Amanbeyond horizon 艷降Fatal seduction 警察也移民The immigrant policeman 薄荷咖啡Eclipse 火燒紅蓮寺(下集) 王先生騎正胭脂馬Mr Wong\'s adventures with the unruly girl 女金剛大戰獨眼龍 白天鵝White swan 黑海霸王花Brave young girls 神女會襄王Emperor Xiang and the goddess 射雕英雄傳Story of the vulture conqueror 虎將奪王妃The empress and I 第八才子花箋記 怪劍Witch sword 玉女情仇A woman\'s revenge 五兒哭墳 恩情深似海
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