

Yongzhong He
  • 介       紹
    參演影片 臺(tái)北吾愛Two for the road 要命的小方 一九八三大驚奇The great surprise 養(yǎng)鴨人家Beautiful duckling 啞女情深The silent wife 少女的春天A girl in spring 情定威尼斯Love in Venice 大追擊Can't stop the war 尋夢(mèng)園Recalling my dreams 將邪神劍The magic sword 青龍鎮(zhèn)Greatest fight 丑小鴨Funny face 飄香劍雨= The lost sword-ship 獨(dú)腳龍Theonelegged friend 誰(shuí)家母雞不生蛋= Who says the hen can't beak eggs 碧血洗銀槍The silver spear 酒色財(cái)氣 妙極了Thefake tycoon 老子有錢Money, money, money 搭錯(cuò)車Papa, can you hear me sing? 浪淘沙Song of the waves 反斗馬騮Come fly the dragon
    參演影片 臺(tái)北吾愛Two for the road 要命的小方 一九八三大驚奇The great surprise 養(yǎng)鴨人家Beautiful duckling 啞女情深The silent wife 少女的春天A girl in spring 情定威尼斯Love in Venice 大追擊Can't stop the war 尋夢(mèng)園Recalling my dreams 將邪神劍The magic sword 青龍鎮(zhèn)Greatest fight 丑小鴨Funny face 飄香劍雨= The lost sword-ship 獨(dú)腳龍Theonelegged friend 誰(shuí)家母雞不生蛋= Who says the hen can't beak eggs 碧血洗銀槍The silver spear 酒色財(cái)氣 妙極了Thefake tycoon 老子有錢Money, money, money 搭錯(cuò)車Papa, can you hear me sing? 浪淘沙Song of the waves 反斗馬騮Come fly the dragon
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