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· Langley Kirkwood

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: Langley Kirkwood was born in Bromley, Kent, England, UK. His family moved to South Africa when Kirkwood was young. The son of a poet and an art teacher, he was exposed to literature and the arts from an early age and fell in love with acting in his school years. He studied drama at high school and at Johannesburg's Wits University, and started working in theatre immediately thereafter. He made an award-winning debut at Johannesburg's Market Theatre as Billy the Kid and followed that up by award-nominated performances in other theatre productions in both Johannesburg and Cape Town, and winning another award as Biff Loman in Miller's Death of a Salesman. He had two children, Willow and Phoenix with former Calvin Klein model Josie Borain. He lives in Cape Town and works primarily in film and television, but still finds time for theatre and also works as a voice-artist. He is a fitness fanatic and spends much of his free time trail running, cycling and competing in ultra distance races. [詳細]

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維多亞· Victoria Wood

娜塔· Natalie Wood


克蘭弗德 6.7

亞· Elijah Wood

里斯· Chris Wood

夫·蒂斯 Cliff Curtis

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: 里夫·科蒂斯出生于新西洛特華市,并且有著新西的土著毛人的血統,幼年的時候,科蒂斯花了很多的時間在接受毛族的傳統武術,舞蹈以及禮儀的訓練上,這使他形成了與眾不同的氣質。學生時期他現在新西[詳細]

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先生 (2007)

伍德考克先生 5.9

林特·伊斯特 Clint Eastwood

斯·亨 Lance Henriksen

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: 斯·亨森(Lance Henriksen)是美國著名影視演員,兼配音演員,1940年5月5日出生于美國紐約,他以出演多部科幻影視作品而出名,他出演的最著名的影片是《終結者》和《異形2》,最著名 [詳細]

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魯·巴 Andrew Buckland

爾· Martin Landes

· (1994)

艾德·伍德 6.7

·貝 Xander Berkeley

加里·洛 Gary Lockwood

維婭·哈維 Olivia de Havilland

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: 奧維··哈弗是著名影星,也是著名影星瓊·芳登的姐姐。她出生在日本東京,小時姐妹倆的身體都不好,便遷回氣候溫暖的南加州。她的父母在她幼年時離異,母親曾想做一名女演員,未能如愿后便把希望寄托在兩個 [詳細]

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·麥 Callan McAuliffe

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: 麥考夫出生在悉尼郊區。就讀于一所蘇格人寄宿學校。當時他是學校唱詩班的領唱,并且通過了倫敦Trinity musical theatre的考試。可以說卡是童星出身,八歲的時候他就開始演戲 [詳細]

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