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瑞德·爾曼 Jared Gilman

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夫·布里 Jeff Bridges

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: 夫·布里斯出生于美國洛杉磯的一個演藝之家,父母及哥哥均為職業演員。在僅有4個月大小的時候,他便躺在媽媽的懷抱里演出了他的電影處女作《危險關系》。服完兵役之后,布里奇斯又進赫伯特·伯格霍夫學院 [詳細]

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克·倫哈爾 Jake Gyllenhaal Jaco

  • 職業: 演員 制作人 
  • 簡介: 克11歲時便在電影《城市鄉巴佬》中扮演比利·克利斯托的勵志型的的兒子,但早年作品多半是小品,直到他在1999年的青年勵志片《十月的天空》飾演一個勇于追求夢想的年輕男孩,他和克里斯庫的父子情深令人印 [詳細]

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克和爾對抗世界 (2008)

杰克和吉爾對抗世界 5.9


杰克與吉爾 6.2

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: 星是臺灣綜藝節目《綜藝大哥大》常坐嘉賓,也是第一且唯一一個在臺灣綜藝節目里開創自己版塊《星開心秀》的大陸藝人,星爆笑脫口秀單個視頻網上一千多萬的點擊,同時是都市情感喜劇電影《荷都奇遇》出品人 [詳細]

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  • 簡介: 阿從上海的大學畢業后回到家鄉小城工作,偶然間發現了單位王副主任的貪腐事情。盡管他面臨很多壓力,但他依然選擇舉報。 [詳細]

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米·利斯 Jamie Gillis

  • 職業: 導演 演員 
  • 簡介: Born in New York City, Jamie Gillis trained as a legitimate actor. In the early 1970s he drifted into performing in pornographic films, and continued to work in that field through the late 1990s. Despite the occasional foray into "legitimate" film, such as a cameo in Nighthawks (1981), Gillis remained identified with the porn industry, and is regarded as one of its most prolific and potent actors. After a stint as one of the "Nasty Bros". in producer Ed Powers' series of amateur "Dirty Debutantes" series, Gillis began branching out to produce homemade porn videos of his own, some of them made in France (where he was able to show off his command of the French language). Never having made a secret of his bisexuality, Gillis made his first all-gay porn film in 1997, a sado-masochistic video in which he did not actually perform sex acts, but rather issued orders to the other members of the cast. [詳細]

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