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雅克-米· Jacques-Rémy Girerd

  • 職業: 導演 編劇 
  • 簡介: 身長得就像是從卡通走出來的人物,說話慢條斯理,笑起來像個孩子的法國動畫大導演雅克-米·吉黑賀是著名的法國瘋影(Folimage)動畫工作室的創始人之一,法國《世界報》曾盛贊他“為動畫注入的創意 [詳細]

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理查· Richard Benjamin

  • 職業: 導演 演員 制作人 
  • 簡介: Although his actress wife Paula Prentiss became a star by the early 1960s, it took Richard Benjamin almost fifteen years to establish his screen persona, but the wait was rewarding. After extensive work in theatre as actor and director, and his participation in the cult TV series He & She (1967), in which he co-starred with Prentiss, he won the starring role in the screen adaptation of Philip Roth's best-seller, Goodbye, Columbus (1969). That was followed by roles in Diary of a Mad Housewife (1970), The Marriage of a Young Stockbroker (1971) and another Roth adaptation, Portnoy's Complaint (1972), that turned him into a prominent "archetype of East Coast Jewish intellectual agony", as critic Jonathan Romney defines him. But his forte was comedy and he won a Golden Globe when he repeated his stage role in the film version of Neil Simon's The Sunshine Boys (1975). Although he still performs, Benjamin turned to direction since the 80s with the highly acclaimed comedy My Favorite Year (1982). [詳細]

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塞巴斯蒂· Sebastian Bender

·巴頓奇事 (2008)

本杰明·巴頓奇事 7.9

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: ,北京電影制片廠演員,曾用名鳴,1939——2010年,2010年4月23日因病去世,享年71歲。 <div>20世紀60年代畢業于北京電影學院表演系,后分配到北京電影制片廠當 [詳細]

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學院 (1996)

本杰明學院 5.9


  • 主演:崔明雨 黃遵憲 
  • 簡介: 根據同名舞臺劇改編,柳子戲。 朝萬歷初年,神宗皇帝年少懵懂,太監張從欺君壓臣,獨霸朝綱。這年正值曹州發生災荒,張從競將賑糧吞入私囊,一時餓殍載道,民怨沸騰。曹州知府孫,是個剛正廉、關心百姓疾苦 [詳細]

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Anna Lei

克· Jack Benny

  • 職業: 演員 其他 
  • 簡介: 克·尼,美國電影喜劇演員、廣播家,1894年2月14日生于伊利諾斯州窩基懷市,原名·庫比爾斯基。第一次世界大戰中斷了他的不是很成功的小提琴生涯,他在海軍服役時發現自己有喜劇才華,復員后進入 [詳細]

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Andy On


  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: 名王宏文,臺灣男演員兼模特,是一名混血兒,父親為臺灣彰化的鹿港人,母親是英國、美國、愛爾蘭、法國、國、荷蘭和蘇格蘭的7國混血兒。班出生于美國奧克拉荷馬州的奧克拉荷馬市,在波士頓長大。他畢業于麻 [詳細]

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·米蘭 Ray Milland

  • 職業: 導演 演員 
  • 簡介: ·米蘭(Ray Milland)生于1905年1月3日,英國威爾士,逝世于1986年3月10日,美國加州。英國演員·米蘭三、四十年代主要在一些浪漫的愛情電影中擔任主角,《失去的周末》成為他人 [詳細]

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Lui Cheun-Tak, Mark


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