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Zhang Jiabei

  • 職業: 導演 
  • 簡介: 1990年到日本留學,先后師從世界著名導演今村昌平、新藤兼人導演以及實力派導演柳町光男拍片。10年間參與中日兩方的電視劇和電影達10部之多。現任日本東京電影電視公司導演兼制片人。致力于中日兩國 [詳細]

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  • 《綁架大明星》角色海報 陳曉東杜海濤基情無限

  • 《綁架大明星》角色海報 陳曉東杜海濤基情無限

  • 《綁架大明星》角色海報 陳曉東杜海濤基情無限

  • 《綁架大明星》角色海報 陳曉東杜海濤基情無限

  • 《綁架大明星》角色海報 陳曉東杜海濤基情無限

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布蕾·絲迪 Gabourey Sidibe

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: <p>布蕾·絲迪出生于比鄰紐約布魯克林的窮人區,在哈萊姆宅區長大。絲迪的母親愛麗絲·萊德利是一位R&B和靈歌歌手,她的父親出生于塞內爾,是一名出租車司機。布蕾·絲迪曾經在紐約 [詳細]

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爾湖 (2017)

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蓋爾·西亞·納爾 Gael García Bernal

  • 職業: 導演 編劇 
  • 簡介: ,男,漢族,1977年生于北京。畢業于中央戲劇學院導演專業本科班,獲藝術學士學位。曾在中央電視臺“東方時空”、“生活”欄目擔任編導。2001年開始影視創作,擔任編劇、導演。主要作品有電影《家的 [詳細]

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貝貝跑道 6.7
  • 簡介: 影片跑道描述了懷抱奧運夢想的長跑苗子、小學1000米長跑項目冠軍獲得者在一次意外事故中致殘、奧運夢想也隨之覆滅。殘酷的現實讓痛不欲生,迷失了生活方向,后在各方的關懷照料下毅然接受奧林匹克 [詳細]

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霹靂 (1988)

霹靂貝貝 8.3
  • 主演:王瑩 喬奇 張京 鄢麗娜 章萍 
  • 簡介: 一個夜晚,一名孕婦正在婦產科的手術室里生產,忽然,天空中出現了一個放著奇異光輝的不明飛行物。飛行物一閃而過,手術室里的燈暗了一下,一個可愛的小生靈咕咕墜地了,那就是京 飾)。生來 [詳細]

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萊斯利· Leslie Bega

  • 職業: 導演 演員 
  • 簡介: Veteran film and television actress Leslie Bega can now be seen co-starring as Valentina La Paz on the HBO Emmy Award winning television series The Sopranos (1999), Tony Soprano's girlfriend. In addition, Leslie also can be seen as a diametrically opposite character to Valentina named Leah on CBS's Emmy Award winning show CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000). Leslie recently completed a starring role in the independent feature film Dating Games People Play (2005), a romantic comedy directed by Stefan Marc. The film is scheduled for release in late 2004. A Los Angeles native, Leslie spent a great deal of her childhood in New York. After graduating with honors as her high school class valedictorian from 11 years at the prestigious Los Angeles private French school Le Lycee Francais, she attended college at The University of Southern California majoring in cinema with a minor in drama. Making her acting debut at the age of six in the Broadway play "The Patriots," Leslie went on to star in countless television commercials and then moved into episodic and film. Throughout this time in her childhood, she was sharpening her skills and establishing a solid foundation to her successful career as an actor. In the late 1980s, Leslie landed a starring role in the long running top-ten ABC television sitcom Head of the Class (1986), portraying the brilliant yet socially awkward Maria Borges. Her follow-up television series was ABC's C-16: FBI (1997) alongside Eric Roberts, Angie Harmon, and 'DB Sweeney'. Leslie quickly went on to establish herself in the Motion Picture arena, sharing the screen with such Hollywood stars as John Travolta, Michael Douglas, Annette Bening, and Anthony Quinn. Leslie has been in 15 motion pictures including David Lynch's Lost Highway (1997), Get Shorty (1995), directed by Barry Sonnenfeld, and Rob Reiner's The American President (1995). After 19 years of vocal/singing training, in 2001, Leslie performed a solo singing performance at Lincoln Center. She recently completed producing Public Service Announcements for "Women At Risk" with actors Billy Zane and Phil Buckman; and "Outreach," educational programs designed for inner city kids. In her spare time, Leslie is an accomplished gourmet chef, and was the Master Chef at the restaurant "RAW" in Santa Monica before leaving to work on her own desert and food line. [詳細]

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Betty Pei Ti

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: 蒂,臺灣演員、艷星、歌星。本名韓白綢,1951年出生,臺灣宜蘭人。參歌唱比賽之后入中華藝術團至香港演出,受導演楚原之邀,與何莉莉搭檔在《愛奴》中擔任主角,奪下法國坎城影展大獎。蒂因此成為邵氏 [詳細]

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  • 職業: 演員 編劇 其他 
  • 簡介: 利1940年10月23日出生在巴西的一個貧寒家庭,是二十世紀最偉大的足球明星之一,被喜愛他的人尊為“球王”。在足球生涯中共攻進1282個球,四次代表國家隊出戰世界杯,三次捧得世界杯(第6、7、9屆 [詳細]

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伊萊耶斯· Elyes Gabel


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