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· Jake M. Johnson

· Jack Johnson

  • 職業(yè): 導(dǎo)演 演員 
  • 簡介: Mr. Johnson grew up on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii and started playing guitar at the age of 14. Before releasing albums on Universal Records, he became a professional surfer who was sponsored by Quiksilver. Jack studied Film at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), during which time he began writing songs as well as making documentary surf films. While Jack was in college at UCSB, he was in a band called "Soil". He played backup guitar for "Soil" and opened for Dave Matthews Band and Sublime in 1995 at the Santa Barbara Bowl. His demo recordings found fans in the ears of new friends such as Ben Harper and Garrett Dutton of "G. Love" & Special Sauce. After the great success of Jack's first studio album, he went on to work with Mario Caldato Jr. and Ben Stiller in subsequent musical and video projects. [詳細(xì)]

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萊恩· Rian Johnson

·格里爾 John Grierson

斯嘉麗· Scarlett Johansson

林登· (2016)


亞倫·泰勒- Aaron Taylor-Johnson

爾· Michael Jackson

珍妮· Janet Jakson

  • 職業(yè): 演員 歌手 
  • 簡介: 珍妮·是美國流行樂壇最著名的歌星之一,她以靈歌、勁舞為資本。珍妮出身音樂世家家族,是家族里年齡最小的成員。她曾是80年代和90年代中商業(yè)成績最好的流行女歌星之一,是西方流行音樂中的超級天 [詳細(xì)]

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喬舒亞· Joshua Jackson

  • 職業(yè): 演員 
  • 簡介: 喬舒亞·,加拿大影視演員。在美國加州長到8歲后又搬回了加拿大,他的母親來自愛爾蘭都柏林,是位作家和影視圈選角導(dǎo)演。喬舒亞·11歲起開始在電視廣告中出鏡,1992年擊敗了·吉倫 [詳細(xì)]

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彼得· Peter Jackson

  • 職業(yè): 導(dǎo)演 編劇 
  • 簡介: 彼得·1961年10月出生于新西蘭惠靈頓,從五六歲開始,他就是個(gè)忠實(shí)的電視迷,8歲的時(shí)候,因?yàn)楣治锲督饎偂返挠绊懀_始迷上電影特效,那時(shí)候,他的理想就是當(dāng)個(gè)出色的特效師。 1978年,彼得 [詳細(xì)]

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格倫達(dá)· Glenda Jackson

夏安· Cheyenne Jackson

  • 職業(yè): 演員 
  • 簡介: 夏安·是位深受大家喜愛的美劇演員、模特也是一位舞臺劇演員,《我為喜劇狂》、《歡樂合唱團(tuán)》和最近的播出的《抑制熱情》等熱門美劇都出現(xiàn)過他的身影,有著性感的身材,現(xiàn)實(shí)的他斯文有禮,積極投身于公益事 [詳細(xì)]

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