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· Jóhann Jóhannsson

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·勞霍普 John Luessenhop

·浩 John Hawkes

·李·漢考 John Lee Hancock

· Jason Clarke

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: 生于1969年7月17日,家鄉是澳大利亞的溫頓,昆士蘭洲。 他的父親的工作曾是為人剪羊毛。錄過許多澳大利亞電視節目,包括《謀殺暗示電話》,《騷的過火》,《所有的圣人》等。 曾出演過《人類合 [詳細]

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·麥蒂爾南 John McTiernan

  • 職業: 導演 編劇 制作人 
  • 簡介: ·麥蒂爾南于1951年出生在紐州的阿爾巴尼,在取得朱莉亞學院的戲劇專業學位之后,麥蒂爾南進入美國電影學院(AFI)學習電影攝像。畢業后,初出茅廬的他開始制作短片,并陸續拍攝了大量商業廣告 [詳細]

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·斯蒂文· Mark Steven Johnson

尼·蓋爾 Johnny Galecki

羅伯特··伯 Robert John Burke

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介:   羅伯特··伯(Robert John Burke)是美國華盛頓州著名演員,他經常扮演一些聯邦調查局官員或黑幫分子。共拍攝43部電影,成名作是1993年的《機械戰警3》和2010年的《布魯 [詳細]

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尼·諾斯維爾 Johnny Knoxville

  • 職業: 導演 演員 編劇 
  • 簡介: 尼·納什維爾最出名的是自編自導自演低俗無下限的《蠢貨》系列電影,其惡搞無下限的紀實影像風格,也獲得全球影迷的認可。1971年3月11日出生在田納西州的納什維爾,父親是一個二手車銷售員。8 [詳細]

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· Jake M. Johnson

  • 職業: 演員 編劇 
  • 簡介: Jake Johnson (born May 28, 1978) also billed as Jake M. Johnson, is an American actor and comedian, most known for playing Nick Miller in the Fox comedy series New Girl opposite Zooey Deschanel. Johnson also co-starred in the 2009 film Paper Heart. [詳細]

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· Jack Johnson

  • 職業: 導演 演員 
  • 簡介: Mr. Johnson grew up on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii and started playing guitar at the age of 14. Before releasing albums on Universal Records, he became a professional surfer who was sponsored by Quiksilver. Jack studied Film at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), during which time he began writing songs as well as making documentary surf films. While Jack was in college at UCSB, he was in a band called "Soil". He played backup guitar for "Soil" and opened for Dave Matthews Band and Sublime in 1995 at the Santa Barbara Bowl. His demo recordings found fans in the ears of new friends such as Ben Harper and Garrett Dutton of "G. Love" & Special Sauce. After the great success of Jack's first studio album, he went on to work with Mario Caldato Jr. and Ben Stiller in subsequent musical and video projects. [詳細]

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·尼科爾 Jack Nicholson

·庫薩 John Cusack

  • 職業: 演員 編劇 
  • 簡介: ·庫薩——這個名字與“實力最被低估的演員”、“最希望哪位明星扮演生活中的自己”、“女士最理想晚餐男伴”和“最具21世紀性格的實力派明星”連在一起。這位非傳統、遠離主流的性格小生,生于一個傳統的 [詳細]

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