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·拉格菲 Karl Lagerfeld

  • 職業: 演員 藝術指導 
  • 簡介: 時裝設計師、攝影師、出版業者,現任CHANEL品牌藝術總監,FENDI藝術總監,并擁有自己的同名品牌Karl Lagerfeld。精通德、英、法、意四種語言,情迷傳統,又憧憬未來,被傳媒封為“當代文藝復興的代表”。由于在時裝界的地位而被華人戲稱為“老佛爺”。 [詳細]

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情圣薩諾瓦 (2002)

情圣卡薩諾瓦 6.7

穆罕默德·邁赫迪·阿加玻 Mohammad Mehdi Asgar

啦啦隊夏令營 (2009)

啦啦隊夏令營 6.5

瓊·西 Joan Sims

  • 職業: 演員 幕后制作人員 
  • 簡介: The First Lady of Carry On, was born Irene Joan Marion Sims on 9 May 1930. The daughter of an Essex railway station master, Joan was interested in pursuing show-business, and soon became a familiar face in a growing number of amateur productions. In 1946, Joan first applied to RADA, her audition was unsuccessful. She did succeed in being admitted to PARADA, the academy's preparatory school, and finally, on her fourth attempt, Joan graduated and trained at RADA. Joan graduated from RADA in 1950 at the age of nineteen. [詳細]

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俠探克:永不回頭 (2016)

俠探杰克:永不回頭 7.5

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