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· (2016)


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  • 林登·約翰遜

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·格里爾 John Grierson

萊恩· Rian Johnson

斯嘉麗· Scarlett Johansson

馬克·斯蒂文· Mark Steven Johnson

· Jóhann Jóhannsson

恩-霍利· Lynn-Holly Johnson

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: 她又是溜冰明星,4歲起就受到溜冰訓練,10歲時參加過舞臺演出。1974年獲全美溜冰季軍。1979年踏上銀幕,在影片《冰宮》(又名《春蕾》或《花逢月滿不殘》)扮演的一位美國溜冰冠軍不僅其溜冰技巧讓觀眾嘆服,而且其表演內心活動的表演藝術也為觀眾所傾倒。此后,她還在影片《時光倒流30年》... [詳細]

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一家的幸福之旅 (2004)

約翰遜一家的幸福之旅 5.9

本· Ben Johnson

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: Born in Oklahoma, Ben Johnson was a ranch hand and rodeo performer when, in 1940, Howard Hughes hired him to take a load of horses to California. He decided to stick around (the pay was good), and for some years was a stunt man, horse wrangler, and double for such stars as John Wayne, Gary Cooper and James Stewart. His break came when John Ford noticed him and gave him a part in an upcoming film, and eventually a star part in Wagon Master (1950). He left Hollywood in 1953 to return to rodeo, where he won a world roping championship, but at the end of the year he had barely cleared expenses. The movies paid better, and were less risky, so he returned to the west coast and a career that saw him in over 300 movies. [詳細]

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·趙 John Cho

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: ·趙,1972年6月16日出生于韓國首爾,美籍韓裔影視男演員,畢業于加州大學伯克利分校。 1997年,出演個人首部電影《人海奇花》,從而正式進入演藝圈。1999年,參演愛情喜劇電影《美國派 [詳細]

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