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迪·丹 Sandy Dennis

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: It would not be easy for anyone to out-do one of American theater's finest thespians, but somehow actress Sandy Dennis managed to even out-quirk the legendary Geraldine Page when it came to affecting nervous ticks and offbeat mannerisms on stage and in film. She and Page had few peers when it came to the neurotic-dispensing department. The two Actor's Studio disciples developed fascinating characterizations that seemed to manifest themselves outwardly to such physical extremes and, like a bad car accident, their overt stylings were capable of both drawing in, and repelling audiences. There was no grey area. Either way, both had a searing emotional range and were undeniably transfixing figures who held up Oscar trophies to prove there was a "Method" to their respective madness. Sandy's signature quirks - her stuttering, fluttering, throat gulps, eye twitches, nervous giggles, hysterical flailing - are all a part of what made her so distinctive and unforgettable. Her untimely death of cancer at age 54 robbed the entertainment industry of a remarkable talent. [詳細]

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多米克· Dominique Sanda


桑巴 5.9


桑拿 5.9

  • 簡介: 華,八一電影制片廠導演,攝影師出身,曾擔任《大決戰》、《大轉折》、《八女投江》等多部電影的 華 主攝影。主要電視作品:《中國機長》、《張聞天》、《天邊外》、《中國命運的決戰》、《龍票》、《無 [詳細]

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  • 主演:仁青甲木措 扎西 扎西尼瑪 菊瓊欽哲巴贊 阿旺拉姆 
  • 簡介: 小學生吉為了夢寐以求的《百科全書》逃學挖蟲草,種種經歷之后,吉最終還是放棄了追尋數年的《百科全書》。用心于現實生活,生活處處都是更生動的百科全書! [詳細]

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樹街 (2007)

桑樹街 6
  • 主演:尼克·丹米奇 Kim Blair Ron Brice Bo Corre Tim House 
  • 簡介: 故事發生在紐約市中心的51號樹街。某天,地鐵上,一名乘客莫名其妙的被一只狂躁的老鼠咬傷了,而在城市的另外一個角落有人也遭到了同樣的遭遇。這些被咬的人身體發生了怪異的變化,慢慢的變成了一種新 [詳細]

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