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·席·哈根 Cosma Shiva Hagen

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介:   Cosma Shiva Hagen (born 17 May 1981, Los Angeles, California) is a German actress and the daughter of New Wave/punk singer Nina Hagen and the late musician Ferdinand Karmelk. Her grandmother is actress Eva-Maria Hagen, and her step-grandfather is the East German dissident writer Wolf Biermann. Eva-Maria Hagen was allowed to emigrate to West Germany during the 1970s. Cosma Shiva's unusual name was picked by her mother, who claimed she saw an UFO while pregnant. "Cosma" is a reference to Cosmos, and "Shiva" is a reference to the Hindu God Shiva. [詳細]

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比爾和尋歌記 (2020)

比爾和泰德尋歌記 6.7


聚斯金德 6.7

·曼 Thomas Mann

莫里·切力亞 Maurice Chevalier

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: 莫里.切力亞出生于法國的巴黎。早年在巴黎的音樂廳、歌Cold War舞班演唱,曾在喜劇演員.林戴主演的幾部喜劇短片中出演角色。1929年來到美國,進入紐約的齊格飛歌舞團,首次在美國登臺獻藝 [詳細]

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阿爾羅·塞萬堤 álvaro Cervantes


馬努斯 6.7
  • 簡介: 敏感少年,從小生活在缺少家人關心和愛的氛圍下。父母認為孩子們的成長都應憑借一己之力,父母所能做... [詳細]

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丹尼·維倫紐 Denis Villeneuve

  • 職業: 導演 演員 
  • 簡介: 尼國際電影節金獅獎提名、第89屆奧卡金像獎最佳導演獎提名;2017年,作為雷利·科特《銀翼殺手》續集的《銀翼殺手2049》口碑亦相當不俗,丹尼·維倫紐顯然已躋身好萊塢最炙手可熱的導演行列。 [詳細]

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里婭·奧 Andrea Osvárt

  • 職業: 演員 
  • 簡介: Andrea was born in Budapest in 1979. She had lived in the countryside of Hungary until 1996 when she won the second place of the national "Look of the Year Competition" which drove her to move to Budapest. After an excellent graduation in an Italian and Hungarian bilingual high school, she spent another 5 years studying Italian culture, literature and language at the Arts Department of the E?tv?s Lóránd University. She gained her double degree in 2005 as an Italian Major. [詳細]

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理查·戴 Richard Davalos

阿涅爾達 (2019)

阿涅斯論瓦爾達 6.7
  • 簡介: 當不少人以為《眼睛相旅行》(2018)是華妲退休前最后杰作,她連奧卡終身成就獎亦袋袋平安,偏偏俏皮一笑,又交出這部活潑生猛的紀錄片。由巴黎、 洛杉磯到北京,不停蹄開班分享創作理念,這位九十歲祖師 [詳細]

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道格拉·席爾 Douglas Silva

克里托弗·爾茲 Christoph Waltz

  • 職業: 導演 演員 
  • 簡介: 奧地利籍男演員,1956年10月4日出生于奧地利維也納的一個表演世家。父母親均為職業演員,而祖父則一直在劇院工作。克里托弗·爾茲最早活躍于戲劇舞臺上,在接拍了大量的影視作品之后于2000年首次執 [詳細]

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