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·福 Bob Fosse

  • 職業(yè): 導(dǎo)演 演員 編劇 制作人 
  • 簡介:  生于芝加哥,父親是雜劇藝人,他9歲就登臺(tái)表演,13歲在“Burlesque Show”參加合唱團(tuán)表演,開始藝人生涯的第一站。1953年當(dāng)他主演舞臺(tái)音樂劇《 Pal Joey》時(shí),被音樂片大本營的米高梅公司賞識(shí),聘他為米高梅專屬的舞男兼歌舞指導(dǎo)。后來覺得在米高梅沒有什么發(fā)揮,便又回到舞... [詳細(xì)]

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蒂芬· Stephen Hopkins

  • 職業(yè): 導(dǎo)演 編劇 其他 
  • 簡介: 蒂芬·是上世紀(jì)90年代最高產(chǎn)的澳洲導(dǎo)演,他在美國執(zhí)導(dǎo)了6部影片,在澳洲執(zhí)導(dǎo)了1部,然而澳洲人卻對他的作品知之甚少,直到1998年在全球票房興風(fēng)作浪的《星際迷航》面世,才開始逐漸被家 [詳細(xì)]

  • 個(gè)人資料|星路歷程|作品|新聞|寫真|視頻

莎莉· Sally Cecilia Hawkin

安東尼· Anthony Hopkins

·蒂芬森 Bob Stephenson

  • 職業(yè): 演員 
  • 簡介: Bob Stephenson was born in sunny Camarillo, California, where he skateboarded, Boogie Boarded, played baseball and soccer, had a huge Lego collection, and watched loads of television. He was a latch-key kid to John Stephenson, a mechanical/civil engineer for the government, and Olive Stephenson, who had her masters in nursing. He went to a fancy boarding school in Pebble Beach California where, upon graduating, his grades were so bad only The College of Idaho would accept him. He played NCAA soccer there and after 2 years transferred to UC Santa Barbara to continue his long tradition of making great friends and receiving poor grades. He moved to Los Angeles, became a PA and began writing. Soon the directors he PA'd for read his work and hired him to write music video and commercial treatments. It wasn't long before they asked him to audition for those commercials and the films they were directing and the rest is history. This guy is Amazing!! [詳細(xì)]

  • 個(gè)人資料|星路歷程|作品|新聞|寫真|視頻

·加爾 Boris Galkin

  • 職業(yè): 演員 
  • 簡介: <p><br /> 影視作品</p> <p> 我們來自未來2 (2010)</p> <p> 古墓迷途 (2008)</p> <p> 隱形戰(zhàn)機(jī) (2007)</p> <p> 稻草鈴 (1987)</p> <p> Aktsiya (1987)</p> <p> 被告的婚禮 (1986)</p> <p> 獨(dú)自一人且沒有武器 (1984)</p> <... [詳細(xì)]

  • 個(gè)人資料|星路歷程|作品|新聞|寫真|視頻

流浪貓2:的禮物 (2020)


·馬利 (2012)

鮑勃·馬利 5.9
  • 簡介: 我們將會(huì)從這部紀(jì)錄片中看到的是一個(gè)去掉了所有偶像和神話的光環(huán)的最真實(shí)的?馬利,通過那些與他有過最親密的關(guān)系的人的雙眼,描述出的是他從男人到英雄的驚人蛻變。 [詳細(xì)]

  • 0人看過|6人想看

·馬利:同一份愛 (2024)

鮑勃·馬利:同一份愛 6.7

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